"Damn you, why! Why on earth is this? How could he be so powerful? He can continue to use the skill of blood escaping in these three days At this time, the nine elder, who had already landed, was full of disbelief. In the past three days, he had been able to cut him under the sword many times. However, at this moment, he broke out with an incredible speed and instantly escaped from his control.

"There must be a secret in this boy!" He made up his mind and said that he would catch Qin lang. at this time, he looked at the forest of monsters and beasts that had been shrouded in clouds. He felt some drum beating in his heart.

Different from those younger generations, he was a monk who had arrived at the later stage of the robbery. Naturally, he knew that the monster forest was powerful. It was just when there was no fog. But now, it means that there must have been a change. The danger inside is much more serious than usual. But thinking about Qin Lang's secret and

He bit his teeth and rushed straight in.

At this time, Qin Lang, who had been in the forest for three months, naturally knew what it was like to be closest to the village. But at this time, the ancient trees were towering, and all the trees were withered branches and leaves. There were even centipedes, poisonous snakes and other things under the trees It's not the same at all.

"What is the situation? Why is it different from what I came in before? " At this time, Qin Lang naturally did not know what happened. After all, Qin Shou had no memory of this place.

But since I'm here, I have to live here first.

Qin Lang's divine consciousness is scattered, and his figure is constantly shuttling through the woods. Now he is eager to get rid of the nine elders behind him. Naturally, he doesn't care much about what happened here.

However, just as he was flying through the jungle, a vine coiled around the tree suddenly seemed to feel something, and it roared straight at him. The speed was almost as fast as the flying sword in the later period of building the foundation environment.

"I'll go! What is the situation? " Seeing this, Qin Lang roared subconsciously and blocked his flying sword in front of him. When the sound of "Dang" came, the cane actually collided with the flying sword in his hand, making a clear sound, which sounded like two metal objects collided together.

Startled by the sudden change, Qin Lang threw his sword out of his hand. He wanted to control the flying sword with Zhenyuan force and smash it. Unexpectedly, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest. The vines around the tree seemed to be attracted by something. In a moment, he flew to Qin Lang, and it seemed that there were no less than dozens of them.

What's the matter! Qin Lang murmured in his heart.

In any case, he didn't think that he had just left the forest for three or four days, which was totally different from that when he had been in the forest. Now, he felt why the forest could be called one of the seven forbidden areas of the Xiuzhen kingdom.

"Well? These vines seem to be attracted by my true strength Observing Qin Lang in detail, he found that when he was controlling the golden sword, the cane attached to it like a fly smelling blood. Qin Lang tentatively collected his true Yuan Li and walked here only with the strength of his body.

Sure enough, after losing the attraction of zhenyuanli, these vines were like flies without their heads. After whipping around in the air, they did not find anything that could emit zhenyuanli, and then they climbed back to the top of the tree.

"It's a strange creature. Why haven't you heard of these things before?" Qin Lang carefully took down the sword wrapped in vines. Looking at the strange vines all over the trees around him, he made up his mind and said that he would not use zhenyuanli again.

I want to compare elder Jiu's Kung Fu to enter the forest of monsters for a short time in the morning. I don't think he knows what happened in the forest? If you can use these vines to attack, I am afraid you can receive unexpected results.

Thinking that these vines made a sharp metal sound when they collided with their swords, Qin Lang silently thought that if he could use them, he might be able to kill him if he was lucky.

After that, he picked up a small dragon and put it in his hand. Then he put a small ball in his hand and said that he would use it to attack him.

After waiting for about half a column of incense, the nine elder came in. He knew how strange the fog forest was. Although he said he didn't know what would happen, when he was young, he didn't listen to his masters. If there was no need, he should not go in.

However, thinking of the secrets of Qin Lang, nine elder still bit his teeth and went into the forest regardless. As long as he could get Qin Lang himself, it was worth paying some price.At this time, Qin Lang held his breath and looked at the nine elder who had gradually stepped into his attack range. He silently put the stones he had picked up before on his fingers and flicked the placed Zhenyuan power ball on it. The Zhenyuan power ball exploded in an instant, and the pure Zhenyuan force spread directly on the nine elders.

The nine elders, who had been nervous when they entered the demon forest, were shocked by the sudden change. They immediately wanted to spread their divine consciousness and carefully observe what was going on. However, they found that what fell on them was not something else, but a pure real force.

"Hehe, how come you think I'm really weak, do you want to give me a supplement?" The nine elders, who didn't know one of them, laughed twice at the direction of Qin Lang's hiding. His divine sense had already noticed that Qin Lang was in the grass not far away from himself.

"That's a big gift. Don't waste it." Hearing what he said, Qin Lang simply came out and said to him in a loud voice, "you old man, enjoy it slowly. I won't accompany you. Goodbye!"