"Don't do useless work any more. If I'm not wrong, it should be a kind of protection between undead blood, preventing two people who have immortal blood from swallowing each other." Feeling Qin Lang's divine consciousness constantly drilling around in his body, nine elder's heart has some helplessness to say to Qin Lang.

Hearing this, Qin Lang looked at him very unexpectedly, "so you still have a good research on this immortal blood? If it really helps, maybe I can give you a way to live. "

"Oh? You even want to plan, you even want to let me live. " Hearing Qin Lang say this, nine elder is obviously very surprised. In the words that Qin Lang said to himself, he has already determined that he must die here today. Unexpectedly, Qin Lang has said such words to himself.

After all, I have just said that I have no hope of leaving here alive.

"Yes, if what you say to me is useful, maybe I will let you live." Qin Lang replied to him very seriously that this time is to give him a hope, otherwise, who knows whether what he said is true or false.

And he is not a young boy. Although he said that the other side's elixir field had been destroyed by himself, but who knows if he will find any rare herbs to treat his injury in the future. At that time, he will set up a big enemy for himself without any reason. At this time, he just took advantage of the nine elders' desire for life He had already made a decision to deal with himself.

"Since you say so, I'll tell you about my research results on this undead blood for so many years." Seeing Qin Lang's very serious consent, nine elder's expression was a little more hopeful. He said to him,

through the nine elder's explanation, Qin Lang realized that the immortal blood, which was said to be very rare when he became the emperor, is not a rare thing, and even can be said to be the existence of rotten streets to some extent.

Because this undead blood, almost everyone has, but because of the different blood concentration, so some people can re Nirvana and get new life through the power of blood force.

And those very thin blood is no way to complete the awakening, can be said to have exhausted the power when burning, naturally there is no way to regenerate through the power of this blood.

The immortal blood can be roughly divided into one to twelve levels. The first level is the lowest, and the twelfth level is the highest. The strength of the blood is also very strong. It can even be said that the monk's blood is almost all immortal blood, and can be reborn only by a drop of blood 。

Of course, this blood purity can only happen in the ancient Phoenix, after all, this immortal blood is from its body, naturally, the Phoenix blood concentration is the most thick.

At this time, the level of immortal blood on Qin Lang and nine elders was at the peak of level one, and even the blood concentration of level two did not reach. Let alone rebirth by the power of blood in the body, I'm afraid even the blood of some ordinary monsters can't match it.

However, in order to prevent their blood from being cut off, the descendants of immortal blood naturally thought of some methods to continuously enhance the blood concentration. In short, there are only two words, that is, phagocytosis.

The phagocytosis between the same species, between the different species, between the same species and the different species, can make the concentration of the immortal blood reach a new peak, but this process is very cruel.

There is a saying on earth that quantitative change causes qualitative change. When a person or an animal swallows enough undead blood force of the same level, naturally, the blood level will break through to the next step, and the low-level blood vessels that they have swallowed before will have no effect, so they can only constantly look for new blood vessels of the same level to devour.

After hearing the nine elder explain so much to himself, Qin Lang nodded. He didn't expect that there were so many statements about the immortal blood. He had never noticed when he was a heavenly cup.

"Then why can you feel the power of immortal blood in my body that I can't feel from you? And what's that new layer of membrane on you? "

Qin Lang thought for a while and asked two crucial questions. The answer of the former is that he needs to protect himself. Otherwise, everyone can find out that he is the descendant of immortal blood. This is not a big trouble. The latter is very confused and wants to get an answer.

"It seems that before I met with the blood vessels, I can't feel the blood of them. It's strange that you can't reach the blood level before I meet them. It's strange that you can't reach the blood level before I meet them. It's strange that you can't reach the blood level of my own before I meet them

Nine elder closed his eyes and thought about it carefully. Then he opened his mouth and explained to Qin Lang, "as for why you say that when you want to step into my body with divine sense, there will be a layer of membrane. It should be the power of the blood. The low level is a kind of self-protection function for the high level. Otherwise, the fear of the first level blood for the high-level blood is not the power of cultivation It's enough to make up for it. "Speaking of this, he had no choice but to smile. He didn't expect that he could not match Qin Lang's blood concentration even after swallowing several blood vessels of the same rank. It seems that the boy's body is really a blessing!

"So it is. What you said is reasonable. If the low blood vessels are naturally engulfed by high-level blood veins, they will not appear again." Qin Lang nodded thoughtfully and then looked at the nine elders in front of him. Since this is the case, is it useless to keep him?

It seems to see the hesitation in Qin Lang's eyes. Nine elder struggled to sit up from the ground, looked at Qin Lang and said to him, "you can't kill me. As long as what you just said is useful, you will let me live. You can't kill me. You promised me, you can't kill me!"

"Yes, I did say that if what you said is useful to me, I will give you a way to live, but in my opinion, these things you said are of no use to me at all. I will find out these things by myself in the future, and I can't give you any more life!"

Qin Lang said, and then with a wave of his right hand, a golden sword directly fell to his head. Nine elder's head just rolled to one side of the trees, and his eyes widened. It seemed that he couldn't believe he was dead.