With this decision, Qin Lang felt that his whole body's zhenyuanli seemed to rush towards his own hand, and then Zhenyuan force broke out and rushed straight to the fire in front of him.

After a long time, he felt as if he had fought against some peerless masters. He was weak and even a little weak. Just when he could not hold on to it, the thing in the void seemed to feel something. He took the initiative to cut off his contact with Qin lang. Rao was like this. If the clock hammer hadn't helped him, I'm afraid he would have There's enough butt on the floor.

"Grandma, what's the situation? Is not forging a magic weapon? How could it be so exhausting. " Feeling that his whole body's real strength was swallowed up in a very short time, Qin Lang felt some lingering fear, and not only that, even his own spiritual strength, he felt some loss, so he sat down cross legged and had to take a good breath, otherwise, it would really hurt his own foundation.

After hearing Qin Lang say this, the bell hammer turned his lips aside, "do you think it's so simple to construct a magic weapon that can hold living things? If I hadn't helped you, you would have never heard of it. "

At this time, Qin Lang heard Zhong hammer say this. Although he was confused, he suppressed it. Now is not the time to ask. It is not too late to ask him after he has finished breathing.

Qin Lang thought in this way, while running his own real yuan force, slowly moistening his body which has just been without a trace of true yuan force. It is really too dangerous. If he has more Kung Fu for a while, I'm afraid he will be sucked into adult work, right?

After two sticks of incense, Qin Lang recovered from his state of collapse. Even so, his current state is less than 30% of that of his heyday. The true yuan force is the second, but the most important is the spiritual power absorbed by magic weapons. This can not be recovered in a short time and needs a long time of rest 。

"I said," bell hammer, what the hell are you doing? What the hell is this thing? I've never heard of it, and it also sucks the spiritual power of cannibalism Qin Lang stood up from the ground, staring at the magic weapon that had gradually formed at this time, and asked him strangely, isn't it a magic weapon for storing things? Why is it so noisy?

"Don't ask me, I don't know. If you ask me, who should I ask?" Hearing Qin Lang's question, the clock hammer was staring at the one that had been hovering in the air. It looked like a magic weapon of spherical type and answered to him.

"I've never used this kind of fruit brewed by demon yuan force to make a magic weapon for storing things. All this is unknown. Just look at this, you should have established some relations with it. Instead of asking me, you'd better feel what the state of this thing is in your feelings." The bell hammer thought about it and said to him.

Hearing this, Qin Lang didn't pay attention to him any more. Instead, he closed his eyes and carefully realized whether he had any special connection with the object in front of him. As a result, he was really shocked by this connection.

"What the hell is this? Why does it look like an independent world? " Looking at the scene in front of him, Qin Lang was a little surprised. Even if he was a God in his previous life, he had never seen such a strange scene.

What appeared in his mind at this time was about the size of a standard 400 meter playground on earth. There were flowers and plants, and even a few rabbits. It looked like a miniature zoo, but the surrounding barrier told him that this was a magic weapon made by the clock hammer. Otherwise, how to explain the barrier What about it?

After withdrawing the divine consciousness, Qin Lang stares at the bell hammer and asks him, "is this your magic weapon for storing things? Why does it look more like a storage space than a storage space One world? "

When he said this again, Qin Lang hesitated and even looked at the bell hammer. If he really wanted to create a world, would this guy's cultivation really look so simple?

"What are you talking about? What a world? " To Qin Lang's surprise, Zhong hammer didn't deny that these things were made by him. Instead, he scratched his head with some doubts and asked him, "can't you put some live animals? How is it related to the world? "

"I've explained it to you before? In other words, if you throw ordinary spirit plants into it, they can't survive in it. Can you understand that

"Oh, by the way, don't think too much about me. Although it's rare, I can guarantee that it's not as hard to get as you think in the high-order star field. Don't say that I'm a person who can create a small world. It's impossible, unless it's a God, he has a chance to do it."The clock hammer shook his head very seriously at him, saying that he had no way to forge the existence of the small world he said. Then he restrained his mind and asked Qin Lang, "what kind of storage magic weapon do you want now, rings, bracelets or necklaces? I'll shape it for you now, or you'll have a round shape on your body in a moment Big ball. "

After hearing Zhong hammer's explanation to himself, Qin Lang seemed to understand something in his heart. However, before he could speak, the question of Zhong hammer had already arrived, and he was not given the opportunity to ask questions at all.

"Ring! Make it look like a ring. " Qin Lang didn't want to think about it. On the one hand, he used the ring in his previous life, and on the other hand, it was relatively small. Most people would not even notice that the ring on his hand was a magic weapon for storing things. You know, in this tenth level star region, they used almost all storage bags.

Hearing Qin Lang say so, the clock hammer nodded to him, indicating that he knew. Under his control, hundreds of hammers were merged into a huge hammer, which smashed into a ball like object.