"I said, boy, tell me how you recovered your cultivation. How can you return to your original state in just over three months, and even make a little progress?" Gongshu tower looks at Qin Lang with a trace of essence in his eyes. He asks Qin Lang that he is really curious. What happened to Qin Lang.

"Yes, boy, tell us what's going on with you. Tell us what's going on with you, and let's all listen to it." Qingchengzi looks at Qin Lang with a smile, but the cold light in his eyes indicates that his heart is not as calm as it is now.

"Hum, younger martial brother Qin, why don't you salute your elders when you see them? Why can't you forget the rules after going out for more than half a year?" See a few leaders will be interested in Qin Lang, Yu Zhuo in the side of the fan to Qin Lang said, it seems quite to the younger martial brother censure.

"Now these elders are talking to me, and the master has not opened his mouth. What qualifications do you have to speak to me like this?" It seems that he heard something funny. Qin Lang asked Yu Zhuo with a smile on his face.

As soon as he said this, not only the disciples of daotianzong were in an uproar, but also the disciples of the other five sects changed their eyesight. They knew that Qin Lang had changed to the point that almost every disciple of daotianzong could step on it since he failed to make progress and retreated two years ago.

This Yuzhuo, with his identity as the first disciple of the law enforcement hall, can be said to be the master of daotianzong. What he wants is what he wants. Now Qin Lang dare to speak to him in this tone. I don't know who gave him the courage. Do you really think that he was the young genius at the beginning?

Some conscientious disciples have already seen that today Qin Lang wants to take Yuzhuo Liwei to regain his real identity as the first disciple of daotianzong. But can Yuzhuo really make him realize his wish?

Sure enough, Yu Zhuo's face turned blue after Qin Lang finished this sentence. He looked at Qin Lang with a gloomy face and said to him, "younger martial brother Qin Lang, today's elders of all schools and other schools are here. You should pay attention to your words. Don't be too presumptuous and lose the face of daotianzong."

"Is it? Who are the two of us who are losing the face of Tianzong Qin Lang looked at the man who had let his disciples take him to the monster forest when he lost his power. He sneered at him.

Do you really think you have the right to talk to him like this? If daowujing was not here today and the leaders of other major sects were not here, he would teach this Yuzhuo how to be a man.

"Zhuo'er, step back. Don't say any more stingy words. Let your uncle and uncle see the joke." Just when Yuzhuo still wanted to say something to him, an old man with white hair and beard touched his beard and went to him and said to Yuzhuo.

"Qin Lang, your elder martial brother Yuzhuo also cares about you now. Today, the leaders of these five sects have all come here. It's really unreasonable if you don't salute them one by one."

By searching Qin Shou's memory, Qin Lang knows that the person who speaks for Yuzhuo is Lei Tian, the law enforcement elder of the criminal law hall. Yuzhuo is the eldest disciple of his family. Naturally, he wants to speak for his disciples.

"Elder, disciple, these things are naturally known, so don't bother elder Lei to explain to his disciples." Qin Lang nodded to him slightly, and then saluted to the people beside him one by one.

"Lang'er, now that you have come back, the wish of your uncles and uncles to see you has been achieved. Do you want to tell them about your adventures in recent months?" At this time, Dao Wujing, with a smile of spring breeze on his face, said to Qin Lang that if ordinary people saw him, they could not imagine how disappointed he was to Qin Lang at the beginning.

"Yes, master." Qin Lang answered, then turned back and spoke to these people.

"It's true that the disciples had some adventures in the past few months. It's just that under certain circumstances, they devoured two giant animals' endosulfan, and then they got to the present state with such confusion."

After Qin Lang said this, he made a special pause and observed the reaction of the people. He did not speak again for a long time.

"Swallowed two Endosulfans? so what? And then what happened? " Almost all the people are listening to Qin Lang now. They also want to know what kind of adventure Qin Lang has got. They have solved the disease that they have seen before but can't do anything about it. In a few months, they return to jiedan.

"Then there was no more. After swallowing the internal alchemy of the two giant beasts, the disciple only felt hot and dry all over his body. Then he lost his consciousness. When I woke up again, I was already back in this state, and it was about the time of the first three months."

Naturally, it is impossible for Qin Lang to tell them the truth. Otherwise, they will certainly imprison themselves, and then, just like the mice used for research on the earth, slice by slice."And then there was no then? Are you kidding our old friends? According to what you said, those two monsters must be great demons with great accomplishments, and the inner alchemy is the thing that they have cultivated with their lives. How can you easily swallow it? I think your boy is lying now, ninety-nine percent, damn it! "

Qingchengzi, the leader of Qingcheng sect, obviously didn't believe Qin Lang's words. He frowned, frowned, and lowered his voice. He said to Qin Lang, "the demon who can directly restore your cultivation to jiedan state. The lowest cultivation must be in the later period of jiedan state. Depending on your accomplishments at that time, don't you think it's too much of a joke to say this

"It would be impossible to accomplish such a feat only by my own strength. But what if there was help from my ancestors?" It seems to have been expected that someone would ask this question. Qin Lang, with a pathetic look on his face, replied to him.

Then Qin Lang knelt down in front of daowujing, with tears in his eyes, and said to him in a loud voice: "the disciple is incompetent. In order to protect his disciples, the nine elder met two monsters in the forest of demons and beasts. After that, he was defeated and finally killed himself!"