Chapter 4727: Half-step absurdity

Today, this vast expanse of wasteland and debris in the sky, there are a total of seven camps in the five major leagues.撇

The two camps of Kaimo Hall and Tianhe Star Field are not mentioned. Among the five major alliances that have just been established, four major leagues have been dispatched, which are divided into four different directions. The sword refers to Xu Sheng’s forbidden land.

The last alliance underneath is the Terran Alliance.

At this time, in the star of the headquarters of the Terran Alliance, on the Treasure Square in the peak of the huge peak, the high-level people of the Terran Alliance are gathering together.

In the two camps of the Terran in the league, because the immortal emperor has not yet come to the emptiness of this piece of land, so the person who is here today is the Emperor of the State.

The Terran Alliance differs from the other four major leagues in adopting the parliamentary system of the Bandar Alliance.

There were a total of eleven ancient powers in the league, but not long ago, the **** sect of the former Federal headquarters of the Faro was pointed by the head of the demon temple, and even the size of the squadron with the army The fortress and the numerous powerful men of the Senro fleet were captured, and none of them came back. Place

Therefore, nowadays, the Union’s powerful members who are sitting here are only about ten people...

There are three emperors in the emperor's side, and Ye Xuan has never seen them before. They are all existed in the age of the ancients.

However, the three emperors of the emperor are accompanying the emperor's two or so. Only by this point, they can't see the emperor who is cultivated as the strength, which is enough to make people think about it.

On the surface, the cultivation of the late stage of the great energy is a real situation, and it is still to be verified. to

In the camp of Xiuzhen, the principal of this place is a veteran of the Tiangong Palace, with long eyebrows and cheeks, and the strength of repairing has reached the sixth stage of the ancient power of the ancients, which is the peak of the mid-term.

In addition, on the left and right sides, there is a elder of the Heavenly Palace, a white robe, a black robe, and the strength is also in the wild, but it is the first and second order of this situation. For the beginning.

As for the power-level members from the former Wanda Federal Headquarters, there were originally four people. After the blood was fallen, there were only three people left. Compared with the two camps of the Terran, it was a little weak...

Although these three people are also human forms, in fact, there are only two people in them, and the other one has a **** beast in the body...

The most powerful in the mid-repair is the eight-order power of the **** human race, named Dong Zhaotian, and the other two, one for the human race and one for the beast, all of which are the early days of power.

At this moment, the three powerful members of the former Wanluo Federal Headquarters have a gloomy look on their faces...

So, it is obviously because of the **** fall.

That battle, the people of the Communist Party simply lost their faces, such a huge army, only fled back to one person, that is, the supreme commander of the Senlan fleet, the universe supreme dragon. and

Within the federation, although the top leaders of the two camps did not say much, the three powerful members who belonged to the former Wanluo Federal Headquarters knew it well... This face was lost by them. for

Therefore, as early as the first time of the bad news, the eighth-order power of the three people has passed a certain secret method, and after paying a certain price, it conveyed to the former Wanda Federal Headquarters in the third universe. Message, request reinforcements...

It is said that the reason why the Terran Federation has not sent troops, and so on, is that the reinforcements of the former Wanda Federal Headquarters arrived...

"I have to say that the Lord of the Devils in Xusheng’s forbidden land is indeed not as strong as the general..."

I don't know what I suddenly thought of in my mind. The gloomy color on the face of Dong Zhaotian was a little slow, and I turned to look at the emperor of the emperor. With

After that, I received the following: "Even with the **** unicorn, the nine sacred crocodile, and the nine powerful **** scorpions and the Qingtian Dapeng, the four powerful ancient sacred wars and their battles, they are not opponents..."

In this way, since it is the master of the devil's temple, the **** Taoist friends are in this battle, and it is inevitable since then. This time the fiasco can only be said to be an accident..."

However, it is obviously impossible for the Federal Senate to stop. The old man has sent the message. If there is no accident, the reinforcements of the Senate should be coming soon. Although it is unlikely that the absurdity will come directly, at least There is a half-step absurdity of the great nine-step great perfection..."

In this way, under the joint efforts of the other four major alliances, the owner of the Devil's Templar, took the opportunity to take the thief of the name of the Tianhe Star Field and his underarms, and it was not a problem..."


Oh! ”

"Oh..." East

As the words of the sky have just fallen, and the atmosphere above the stars is over, there has been a thunderous thunder of the rumble, followed by two crisp and fierce sounds...

It is clear that there is a rhythm of the starry sky who tears the void. The ten ancients, such as the Emperor, turned their heads and exchanged their eyes, almost at the same time. "

Friends of the Tao, have waited for a long time..."

"This time, the deity and the deity will come together, then the master of the **** demon temple will surely call him a broken body..."

At the same moment, the two figures passed through the atmosphere of the stars at the top of the sky, and fell toward the Grand Palace Square. The words of snoring also came at the same time, indicating the origins of the two, apparently the veterans of the Federal Senate...

Although humans are all human forms, the body emits a strong and indecent animal atmosphere, which is obviously a beastly form. body

The shape is extremely powerful. One person has two short horns on the top of his head. It should be the so-called 牦尊, the other is the triangular eye, the face is also like this, the breath is cloudy, if there is no accident, it is actually the strong.

As for the cultivation of strength, the two people's body is the pressure of the nine-step great consummation of the ancient and powerful. There is no doubt that this is two powerful half-step absurd. "

Dear! Dear! I can't think of two friends, but they came together at the same time..."

Originally thought that only one person came, and there were two eyes under the eyes. Dong Zhaotian first stunned, and then his face showed a surprise color, and immediately got up and greeted...

As a result, the ancient power of the Terran Federation reached 12, and two of them were still half-step, and the enthusiasm of the Federal Senate was instantly flattened with the two camps, even before. The...

Half a day later, from the star field where the Terran Federation is located, a huge battleship regiment...

The tribe of the nation also has thirty-sixth of the universe, the master of the universe is over one hundred, the universe is more than three hundred, and the emperor is immortal...more than two thousand! seal

The high-end combat power under the emperor, as well as the warship battle boat is countless...

This time, 80% of the high-level forces below the power level, commanding 500 million large and small fortresses and large and small fortresses, and one million million-meter-diameter superstar plugs, and one million giant warships. This

The size of the legion is not weaker than any of the four major leagues that were previously dispatched. to

In the 12 ancient powers of the wild, except for the Emperor II and the Dong Zhaotian, the rest were dispatched, led the huge fleet, and went to the Xusheng forbidden land...