Chapter 667: Batman Surprise? Unimaginable battle specs

Name:Super Dimensional Guild Author:
Chapter 667: Batman Surprise? Unimaginable battle specs

"What an annoying little bug!"

Frieza let out a furious roar, and raised his hand, then the countless Tonys in the air couldn't stand this force and flew towards Frieza.

Continuous waves spread around him, like fireworks blooming in the air, and all of Tony's clones were annihilated.

Seeing the energy surge approaching, Tony pressed the Iron Man Nano-Mecha button on his chest, completing the Iron Man Nano-Mecha transformation.

His arms were in front of his chest, and the nano-mecha formed a golden shield, which blocked the energy waves.

In the end, Tony refracted a wave of energy into the distance, and at the same time, rays of blue flames sprayed from under his feet, which quickly appeared in front of Frieza.

Iron Man's armor fist became a giant hammer, and a rocket was ejected from the elbow joint, sending the giant hammer forward even faster. It hit Frieza in the face and staggered.

Frieza stuck out a finger, wiped the blood from him cheek, then looked at Tony, "Do you think I'm Thanos?"

"Originally I was going to include you. But now, I changed my mind!" Friza said. "This debt for injuring me, I will use your blood to pay it back."

Frieza punched Tony in the chest. His fist was covered with a layer of Ki, and he wanted to use this punch to pierce Tony's chest.

"This can't be done!" A voice and a hand reached out to block Frieza's punch. This palm had a power that changed the distorted space.

With a clanging sound, Frieza's punch never penetrated this twisted space.

"This?" Frieza said in surprise.

At this time, Superman and Wonder Woman came from afar. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Seeing Tony safe and sound, Superman was relieved.

He had just sensed Frieza's killing intent, and his super hearing heard a burst of air from Frieza's punch.

There was no doubt that if Tony was hit by this blow, he would be half crippled if he didn't die.

"Fortunately, the Guild Master came just in time. If you come later, you can only take my corpse. Tony felt calm when he saw Su Han, but his words were extremely frivolous.

The bad situation is that the earth and humans are extinct.


Above the sky.

Tony looked around, he smiled bitterly, "Guild Master, the scale of this battle is rather vast, I feel like my mirror dimension can't take it anymore."

"Do not worry!"

Su Han used the Space Stone to amplify the power of this space, "Because there is me!"

Tony opened the guild live broadcast.

"Son of a bitch!" An angry voice rang out, and Frieza, who didn't know how many meters into the earth's crust, came out.

He emerged from the ground in front of Su Han. His eyes had killing intent, and he swung his fists, each of which was extremely fast.

"What a powerful fist!"

Su Han said with admiration, and stretched out his hand.

There is a wave in space, and every punch of Frieza hits the space barrier, and countless layers of space barrier continue to crumble under this fist.

However, the speed at which Su Han built the space barrier was higher than the speed at which Frieza broke the space barrier.

"Damn things!"

Annoyance flashed in Frieza's eyes, and he stretched out one hand, and a dazzling blue air was formed. Then, he bombarded forward.

This punch was extremely powerful, destroying all the space barriers that Su Han had built up.

"Because that's the case! Then I have to be serious too!"

Su Han clenched his fists, exerted the power of the Power Stone, and his physical strength overflowed like flowing water. He raised his hand, and collided with Frieza's punch.