"transform, restore human form, and quickly break through the attack range."

At the command of King bimon.

Six King's body instantly restored human form, the speed of the surprise attack was not slow at all.

At the same time, ten thousand balls of light shot rapidly.


The white light covered the eyes of the autumn frost army.

They waited anxiously for the result.

Time passes by.

When the white light and smoke had not dispersed, six figures appeared in their sight.

And it's coming at them faster.

When they were thousands of kilometers away from the city wall, they suddenly changed!

In this scene, all the autumn frost soldiers were extremely frightened and shivered.

Crystal cannon attack is invalid!

Qiu Shuang sighed in her heart: "the whole army defends, please greet them as hard as you can!"

All of a sudden, countless crossbows, burning stone balls, burning hot vegetable oil

They used all the means they could use.

However, these means are used to fight conventional warfare, which is useless for a high-level monk like Liuwang.

Autumn frost still holds the last glimmer of hope.

Hope to be able to block the number of six King beast.

But the next moment, his hopes were dashed.

He was in despair.

After the heart of old regret, if you listen to autumn Feng's advice, how to this.

The three walls were lifted to the sky.

On the wall, a large number of soldiers and soldiers died under the claws of the beast.

"All the officers and men, give me a fight! Stand up for me

Qiushuang finished this sentence and quickly escaped from the wall under the cover of the guard group.

as like as two peas of the two regiments of the autumn family, the commander in chief acted the same way.

Soon, the defenders of the second line of defense ran away after Qiushuang fled.

At this point, high in the air.

Jinbao grinned: "boss, these six beast kings have found the knack of war."

Zhang Xing nodded with a smile: "well, this is the difference between orcs and other races. 2K fiction www.2kxsw.com

If the Terrans have such strength, they will never all go out to risk themselves. "

Jinbao has a word.

"After watching so many wars, they are basically the same routine.

Soldiers to soldiers and generals, the whole battle is like tug of war.

The commander-in-chief of the two sides is the referee, holding a small red flag and shouting slogans, and never do anything. "

"Ha ha! Jinbao, you have a vivid metaphor.

But the beast king is the most direct and effective way to fight.

The premise is that there is no rival of the same rank.

Otherwise, their base camp will be in danger, and the enemy will take their back. "


When Zhang Xing commented on them.

The legions of the six King beasts have also been killed.

The task of encircling Qiu Feng's army will be handed over to the remaining orcs.

They should keep up with the six kings.

After two big victories in succession, the orcs regained their fighting spirit. The crowd was excited and excited!

Six Wang's face also showed a proud expression.

Finally, I can explain to the Dragon Lord and the holy Dragon Lord.

Take advantage of the situation to pursue, don't stop!

The six kings followed the fleeing Qiushuang army and slaughtered heartily.

After three days and nights of pursuit, they came to the third line of defense.

But it's empty.

The gate was closed and there was no one on the wall.

The silence of the whole city was terrible.

After investigating from high altitude, the eagle king confirmed that there was no danger.

Then the six kings entered the city.

"It's time for us to slow down."

The king of bimon.

Although they don't feel much tired, the orcs behind them need to be fixed.

On the other hand, Nanwang should respond.

It's not going to be easy ahead.