On the first day of the lunar new year after the new year's Eve, according to the Convention of the past years, there is no early Dynasty after today until the 15th Lantern Festival. The officials of the six ministries or the officials of the other yamen can be regarded as the real leisure days. Even after 15 days, the things on the table are piled higher than the mountains, which is only after these 15 days It's something.

Now these 15 days, how comfortable how to come.

The Yamen of the Ministry of punishment was in a troubled time after the year before last. That night's attack and killing was very involved with the Ministry of punishment, and even more disturbed the emperor's majesty. Wang Zhizhang, the Minister of the Ministry of punishment, who had been sitting on the first chair of the Ministry of punishment for nearly 20 years, returned to his hometown. Now, although it is said that Guan Baixia is sitting at the top position of the Ministry of punishment, in fact, it is After the Ministry of punishment, there were many officials who were still loyal to Wang Zhizhang. Even though Wang Zhizhang had been running the Department for many years, even if he was negligent and reduced to this place, his things in the Ministry of punishment were not completely eliminated.

Therefore, among the six books now, only Bai Xia, a senior official in charge of the Ministry of justice, has to stay in the office of the Ministry of punishment to watch the files for the next 15 days. This year, he had a hard time.

But in fact, it is obvious that Guan Baixia had a bad year, but he really got the official hat of the Minister of the Ministry of punishment. What is the concept of the book of the Ministry of punishment? One of the six Chanshu of the Yanling Dynasty, the official of the third grade, is the real leader of the temple in the whole Yanling Dynasty!

Even Guan Baixia felt that it was incredible. Wang Zhizhang had been rooted in the Ministry of punishment for many years. But for what he had done that night, his Majesty would have been so angry that he would not have been allowed to sit in his present position.

When Chunwei, he Guan Bai Xia, even if it was the first place on the list, did not have to bear to endure until now?

In officialdom, civil servants and martial arts people are different. Civil servants pay attention to making tea with fine fire. They need to study the heat slowly over a long period of time to make a pot of mellow and fragrant tea. However, the martial arts people are different. It is said by these chatting scholars that it is better to cook cold wine in a big fire. If it can't, it will be faster than boiling tea.

But when he sat down, he sat on it. Guan Baixia was excited and pondered. The relationship between the emperor and the school was not what the government thought. If he wanted to sit in this seat, he would have to spend a lot of time.

Sitting in the room belonging to the minister in the Yamen of the Ministry of punishment, Guan Baixia threw away the files and finally wrote a few words on a piece of white rice paper.

"Step by step."

At this time, in the street outside the office of the Ministry of punishment, a man with a long face stood at the gate of the Yamen for a moment. At last, he just sighed and turned away.

Once a senior member of the imperial court, the Minister of punishment, and now a grass-roots man, he looks a little complicated when he looks at the carriage parked in the distance.

It's not easy to stay in Luoyang City. Compared with Guan Baixia, he has achieved good results after living for so many years. Although he had a lot of opportunities before, he failed to laugh at the end. Until now, even if he knew why his Majesty was angry, he would choose the same way that night, between the school and Luoyang City Every official in the central government will not make a different choice with him.

But even so, the emperor finally chose to drive him out of Luoyang.

It's just because he chose the wrong thing that everyone would choose wrong.

What else can Wang Zhizhang do besides smile bitterly.

Walking on the street, this old man, who is not old enough, looks like he has bad legs.

But after a few steps, a woman trotted up to him and said a few words to him.

Wang Zhizhang raised his head and looked far away. There was a man standing there at the entrance of the alley, looking at this side.

Wang Zhizhang walked quickly to the other side, but the woman who came to report the news was standing there, not in a hurry.

Standing at the entrance of the alley is the blind scholar Wang Yanqing.

Wang Zhizhang went to Wang Yanqing, and after a salute to Wang Yanqing, he said bitterly: "Wang wants to leave Luoyang City, the civil and military of the full Dynasty are not willing to send Wang, but Mr. Yanqing has come, which makes Wang feel warm."

Wang Yanqing laughed. "In the past, I wanted to call Mr. Wang. In the future, I can only call Mr. Wang. Please don't blame Yan Qing."

Wang Zhizhang shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "there is no such reason."

Wang Yanqing held out his hand and motioned with Wang Zhizhang.

After a few steps, Wang Yanqing whispered, "Mr. Wang is wondering why your majesty is criticizing Mr. Wang for something that most people would choose wrong?"

Wang Zhizhang was silent and finally nodded, "yes."

Wang Yanqing Wensheng said: "let Yanqing ask a few questions."

Wang Zhizhang nodded, "Mr. Yanqing, but it's OK to ask."

"Whose is Luoyang City?"

Facing this problem, Wang Zhizhang has no way to talk about it.

Wang Yanqing said to himself, "the whole Yanling is under the jurisdiction of the school and the academies. Confucianism is deeply rooted in Yanling. It can be said that without Confucianism, there would be no Luoyang City, and there would be no Yanling Dynasty. But his majesty is the monarch in the secular country. He manages the common people, and those common people have to listen to him. Even if the Academy stands behind the scenes, they can't ask for it Some common people take on the things that they should not bear. Therefore, it would be unreasonable to say that Luoyang city is a school palace. However, since Luoyang city belongs to his majesty, Mr. Wang's independent opinion that night is equivalent to admitting that Luoyang city is a school palace in disguise. Therefore, it makes sense for the emperor to be angry. It is not unreasonable for Mr. Wang to fall into the field today It's something. "Wang Zhizhang sighed, "what if the school is dissatisfied with what Luoyang has done?"

Wang Yanqing shook his head. "There are many voices in the school, and the Su Zhangjiao is the biggest one. When Su Zhangjiao is not in the school, the Academy sends monks to Luoyang. If the leader is in the Academy, even if there are monks who come to Luoyang, they will never ask the Ministry of punishment to help. Because of the failure of the night, the academy can only suffer from a dumbfounded loss, because Su Zhangjiao is learning Even after su Zhangjiao returned to the school, the voice of the school would disappear. What Luoyang City did this time would also be regarded as safeguarding the authority of Su Zhangjiao. Therefore, the Academy would not be dissatisfied. At least, Su Zhangjiao would not be dissatisfied. That's enough. "

"It's better to stand tall than Mr. Yanqing. Wang can't see that far."

"There is no need to know that your majesty is different from the emperors of Yanling in the past dynasties. It is enough to know the relationship between Yanling and the school. For many years, Yanling has been watching the mountain from the bottom of the mountain. Now the emperor wants to get along with Yanling in a different way. Do you think it's interesting? "

"Not hard?"


"Even if it is difficult, your majesty is willing to do it, so we should not be involved."

Wang Zhizhang looked gloomy and helpless.

Wang Yanqing began to ask: "the last question, more than ten years ago, the school palace selected students. One of the students was replaced. I want to know whose childe is the one who replaces him?"

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