What does Zhang Xiaofan need to do after that? It's worth saying!

Of course, buy, buy, buy!

I think that it is very likely that he will also successfully cultivate a kind of terrifying existence comparable to the spirit beast in the real world.

Since then, I have not been allowed to roam in the eight wastelands?

The more he thought about Zhang Xiaofan, the more excited he was. He went directly into the treasure house.

Sure enough, a promotion message that is being formulated at this time is the perfect tonic.

Moreover, the price is just as deputy marshal Zhenjun said in the circle of friends that day.

No more, no more, just 1000 points of merit!

Although, for Zhang Xiaofan, the 1000 points of merit and virtue is indeed a large sum of money.

However, it is the so-called reluctant to give up children, set can not find the wolf.

What's the matter? You can get what you give up!

In order to live a free and unrestrained life in the future, Zhang Xiaofan still tolerated.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan is directly to the fastest speed to submit the order.

And completed the process of payment after.

"Ding Dong, congratulations on your successful purchase of a perfect tonic bone."

"It has been stored in your item column. Please check it carefully."

See, after the purchase is successful.

Zhang Xiaofan rushed into the inventory again.

Sure enough, it's in the first column, the first box.

At this time, there is a big white bone!

Zhang Xiaofan looked around, in order not to cause some unnecessary trouble.

He finally decided to lock the door of the dormitory directly and close the curtain of the dormitory.

After all this was done, he hit the extract button.


The golden light suddenly appears, Zhang Xiaofan stops to ascend in the hand to have an extra thigh bone!

"I'm sure it's a perfect tonic."

"I'm afraid it's the same size as that dinosaur fossil."

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan looked at the thigh bone which was almost as high as him.

The corner of the mouth is also uncontrollable convulsion two times, under the heart that calls a speechless ah.

After holding the ten bones carefully, he observed it carefully.

The light in both eyes is becoming more and more intense.

See, in Zhang Xiaofan's arms this perfect tonic bone.

The whole body is emitting a layer of light red light, although the overall volume is very large.

And the weight is also very heavy, even Zhang Xiaofan with his hand to knock can obviously hear the echo of metal general crisp.

It can be seen that the density of this thing must be quite terrible.

What's more, there is a hot wave on the big bone.

It's a good electric blanket if it's in winter.

What's more, Zhang Xiaofan feels a little strange.

From that huge bone, it was also filled with strange fragrance.

Although, this flavor is quite different from the flat peach that Zhang Xiaofan ate a few days ago.

However, there are similarities between the two.

This makes Zhang Xiaofan only feel that his mouth is full of fluid, which makes his fingers stir.


Zhang Xiaofan was attracted by the strange fragrance on the big bone. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

If all the things that deputy marshal Zhenjun said that day were true, then if I had a bite now.

I don't know whether it will become a spirit animal...

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