"Boy, what are you laughing at?"

A long is also a little confused by Zhang Xiaofan's laughter.

"Oh, nothing!"

Zhang Xiaofan suddenly stopped laughing, and slowly put up a finger toward him, seriously said: "a move!"

"A move? What is it? "

A long didn't understand what he meant and asked, "what do you say?"

"Only one move to kill you!"

Zhang Xiaofan hung a smile on his face and said solemnly.

A long and the people in the field were stunned and immediately burst into laughter.

In particular, Shao Wenqiang and a long. It's even more out of breath!

In their view, Zhang Xiaofan is a typical arrogant, do not know what his surname.

Just now it was just the next blow by a long that he could speak such arrogant words.

It's really ridiculous. It's ridiculous!

However, a long is laughing hard.

Suddenly, he realized that there was a strong wind in front of him, which made his hair stand up!

Subconsciously, he punched the shadow in front of him, but his wrist was caught by the shadow directly!

Now, a long also realized that the situation is not good.

When you want to draw, it's too late!

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan smile at him strangely, the hand that clasps a long's fist is like a pair of tongs.

Make it hard to move!

Later, Zhang Xiaofan wrists.

Only heard a burst of bone crack, like firecrackers crackling up.

Along with a burst of heartrending howling, he saw that Zhang Xiaofan's right hand had been completely twisted like a twist at this time.

Bending to the outside, the red blood seeped out along his skin.

White Sen Sen's broken bone pierced through the skin and exposed!


Is this kind of inhuman pain that Aron can bear?

He hugged his broken hand and screamed, lying on his back.

The pain of breaking a bone itself has reached a level that ordinary people can't bear.

What's more, Zhang Xiaofan broke the bones of the former directly by brute force!

It's just a blink of an eye.

The strong man named a long was sweating with pain.

His face was as white as paper, and he did not see half a human face!

He clenched his teeth, but didn't have time to look at the damage to his right arm.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan coming towards him, he subconsciously wants to resist, but he is directly stuck in his throat.

Then the whole person was lifted directly from the ground with one hand.

Looking at the throat by his own, still struggling.

Zhang Xiaofan grinned, showing a big white tooth.

"I said, just one move to kill you!"

After that, he sneered and threw the latter out with a wave!

Under the gaze of the public, a long's huge body actually moved five or six meters in the air.

Then, the whole person smashed on the wall behind Shao Wenqiang and others, directly shaking the wall.

It can be seen from this that how great the force is!

"A long, a long, are you ok?"

Seeing a long lying in front of him, Shao Wenqiang is no longer calm and calm, and his face is tense.

This is the Muay Thai boxing champion he dug from the underground black boxing of Luo state!

As a result, I was defeated by a 22-year-old boy today?

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