But the way they approach each other.

Or, through some domestic economic salons, I have the honor to attend with chairman Guo.

Or try to find a way to get the itinerary of chairman Guo.

We'll have afternoon tea together, and then we'll throw in what we like.

But, like Zhang Xiaofan.

When you enter Longteng group, you will find chairman Guo by name.

It's really special. There's a head.

It's really a fighter in a wonderful work!

See, this time uniform beauty Yi.

Old or with their own continue to play Tai Chi here, lazy work.

Zhang Xiaofan's endurance has reached the extreme!

"Forget it. It's a matter of life."

"I don't have time to work here with you!"

With that, Zhang Xiaofan crossed the uniform beauty and went directly to the elevator room not far away.


Yes, Zhang Xiaofan wants to break through.

This uniform beauty is also more and more determined in the heart.

This boy, must be to their Longteng group to make trouble!

At present, they are also directly directed at the security guards nearby.

"Who dares to make trouble in our Longteng group?"

Heard the uniform beauty yell.

At the moment, there were several men in security uniforms.

Directly ran to Zhang Xiaofan's front, set up a wall of people and stopped him.

"Hey, I said you little red man."

"Where do you want to make trouble?"

"But those who are willing to die will come to our Longteng group to make trouble?"

"I want to squat in the bureau!"

The security guard who took the lead also showed a look of excitement in his eyes.

After all, they have worked as security guards in Longteng group for a long time.

I've seen a lot of strange things.

However, like Zhang Xiaofan, he ran to their Longteng group to make trouble.

It's the first time he's seen him!

"Get out of my way!"

Zhang Xiaofan, frowning and displeased.

"Oh, my boy, I'm not a big man, and my voice is not small."

"Who do you think you are? You can't be the chairman's guest!"

Heard Zhang Xiaofan, this time actually dare to let them get out of the way.

The security guards burst out a burst of laughter!

In particular, the leading security guard.

At this time, it was more like hearing some very funny joke.

He covered his stomach and burst out laughing out of breath.

"These flies are really annoying!"

Zhang Xiaofan clenched his fist and was about to break through.

But I felt the mobile phone in my trouser pocket vibrated.

Soon a melodious mobile phone ring will ring.

Zhang Xiaofan took out his mobile phone and found that the caller was Guo Yunzheng!

Want to come, it is Guo Yunzheng to see that he did not answer the phone call.

He called himself back at this time.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan sneered.

He directly to the mobile phone screen to the smile of the most happy security captain, sneer.

"Open your eyes and see who called me!"

Smell speech, this security captain subconsciously toward Zhang Xiaofan mobile phone screen to see.

After seeing the caller is Guo Yunzheng, the whole person first hit a shiver.

But it was like something came to mind.

See this security captain, return to that kind of complacent villain's face again!

"Oh, little red man."

"Too young to learn anything else."

"It's the bragging force. It's the ability to shoot big guns."

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