In this way, Zheng Yunhe and Li Dongsheng.

They started again and began to make new additions on the letter paper.

But what they don't know is.

As the saying goes, people are doing it, and heaven is watching.

All sorts of shady business you've committed in the human world.

Or, it's something that's not right.

Perhaps, some people can escape the legal sanction of the human world and the secular world.

But as the saying goes, the net of heaven is vast, but it is not neglected.

No matter who it is, as long as it is committed in the human world.

Whether it's good or bad.

All this has happened.

It's absolutely impossible to escape the gaze of the eye of heaven!

Everything you did in the human world before you were alive.

Nature will be the eye of this day, its income in the eye.

Finally, write a note in the book of life and death in the underworld.

At the same time, it's also decided that after a hundred years, you'll be in hell.

After all, he was tortured and tortured by all kinds of evil spirits.

Or in the underworld, to seek a leisure errand, office ghost bad.

This also depends on the book of life and death in the underworld.

Conduct a comprehensive and comprehensive judgment on what you have done in the human world!

Of course, such as the book of life and death, which is beyond the secular world.

For other ordinary people.

This kind of high-quality treasure is even beyond the scope of their cognition.

They are ordinary people who have no chance to get in touch with them in their whole life.

However, this is for Zhang Xiaofan.

If you want to touch the contents of this life and death book, it's all about Zhang Xiaofan's finger!

At that time, he only needs to follow far under nine you.

The black impermanence, white impermanence, ox head, horse face and so on of the underworld send a wechat in the past.

At that time, don't say you want to know about Zheng Yunhe and Li Dongsheng.

So far, what has been committed in the human world.

Even if Zhang Xiaofan was asked to directly identify the eighteen generations of Zheng Yunhe and Li Dongsheng's ancestors.

All the good and bad things are dug up.

That is not difficult for Zhang Xiaofan!

It's easy to do it!

Therefore, it was at the moment when Zheng Yunhe and Li Dongsheng took over the letter.

Zhang Xiaofan here, has found black Impermanence in the Tianting chat group.

And he sent a private message to Hei Wuchang.

Explain the black impermanence, help yourself to touch the bottom of Zheng Yunhe and Li Dongsheng.

So, if you have Hei Wuchang to help.

Zhang Xiaofan naturally will not worry, this Li Dongsheng and Zheng Yunhe two people.

In front of him, what more tricks!

In this way, nearly half an hour passed.

Zheng Yunhe and Li Dongsheng.

This is the first time that I have proved my crimes over the years.

And respectfully submitted to Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan took it over this time.

Seeing Zheng Yun and Li Dongsheng this time, they didn't play any tricks in front of themselves.

However, when Zhang Xiaofan bit by bit along the beginning to look down the past.

His brow at this time, also tightly frowned.

"Ha ha..."

"just the two of you!"

"Good things I did during my tenure as general manager and deputy general manager of Tang laixiu."

"Even if it is to pull you out directly, it's not enough to shoot you 10 times!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!