Hearing sun Xiangyun say so, Zhang Xiaofan can't help but disdain his lips.

You are not talking nonsense.

All the people who are involved in this matter have come to my side.

You say, this Zhao family old man disease can not frequent?

So far.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to go around with sun Xiangyun. Straight forward, Tao.

"Well, you don't have to talk about lobbying."

"I understand it all!"

"What do you mean, master?"

Hearing this, sun Xiangyun felt a little uneasy and said.

"Tell that to Zhao Hongtao."

"It's not impossible for me to see his father."

"But I want 10 million yuan for this home visit fee!"

Anyway, it's Zhao Hongtao's business today.

Even if it is, sun Xiangyun doesn't call himself.

Zhang Xiaofan will go to the Zhao family today for Xu Lili.

So, since I have to go to both sides.

Why not take this opportunity.

Kill Zhao Hongtao fiercely and bleed the old guy?

Who lets this family mother and daughter two people, the dog eye looks at the human low to come!

I can't do anything else, but I use six times more than anyone else!

"Master... Master..."

"you... You have agreed?"

Sun Xiangyun on the other end of the phone.

Obviously, he did not expect Zhang Xiaofan's attitude to change suddenly.

There was a big turn, 180 degrees.

I didn't think about it, so I agreed.

Sun Xiangyun was overjoyed at this point.

At this time, he seemed to be afraid that Zhang Xiaofan would repent. He was too busy.

"Master, that's the decision."

"10 million, right? I'll call Zhao Hongtao right now!"

"Let Zhao Hongtao give the ten million Chinese coins to master and prepare them for you."

After leaving this sentence in a hurry, sun Xiangyun hung up the phone.

After that, it took about 10 minutes.

Sun Xiangyun called again.

"Master, I have made an agreement with Zhao Hongtao."

"Zhao Hongtao's side, also agreed very straightforward."

"Yes, as long as you can help the master cure the disease."

"Don't say yes, let them give 10 million."

"Even if it is, let them give 20 million, 30 million, they are also happy!"

"I'll go, 10 million, and I'll agree to come down?"

Zhang Xiaofan clapped his thigh and scolded in his heart.

"Mom sells lots. The price is low."

"If I had known, I would have asked him for 100 million yuan first!"

"Well, I know about this. You come to Xingtang. Come to pick me up in Washington, the quintessence of Chinese culture."

In this way, after receiving the call from Zhang Xiaofan.

Sun Xiangyun's side, is the direct wind and fire, driving out of the affiliated hospital.

Came to Zhang Xiaofan's home, with Zhang Xiaofan directly toward the direction of Zhao Hongtao's home in the past.

When I came to Zhao Hongtao's villa.

Let Zhang Xiaofan slightly surprised is that he actually saw here.

Well, Michael, M.D., from Oxford University in the United Kingdom, is here.

This let Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, also can't help flash a touch of surprise color.

Originally he thought that this westerner from the United Kingdom.

It should be, after the last separation from the Affiliated Hospital...

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