Therefore, Qian Huizhen and his wife acted in this way.

This also can't blame, Zhao mother and Zhao Liying mother and daughter.

She was disgusted with Qian Huizhen and had such a strong rejection.

It's true that this kind of person, if you put it on someone.

If you can see it, there is a ghost.

At this time, seeing the three people in the living room were unwilling to take care of themselves.

At this time, Qian Huizhen also disdained to turn her lips.

Immediately, she put her eyes on Zhang Xiaofan.

To Zhang Xiaofan, Qian Huizhen is usually the one.

But in recent years, I have listened to my good friend Zhou Yinghua.

Mention with oneself, this Zhang Xiaofan many not.

What "six relatives do not recognize", what "white eyed wolf".

What "just a stinky college student who has no money, no power and likes to pretend to be forced everywhere.".

In short, all kinds of obscene and hard to listen to.

Basically, it has been mentioned repeatedly by Zhou Yinghua and Qian Huizhen.

So, at this time.

Qian Huizhen, who thinks she is superior to others.

Now, in the eyes of Zhang Xiaofan.

What's more, there is a sense of superiority.

She's got an orchid finger up.

Continue to use that kind of sarcastic tone, way.

"By the way, Xiao Fan..."

"a few days ago, I talked about you with your big aunt."

"I heard that you are now a college graduate."

"Should be busy looking for a job, right?"

At the end of the day, Qian Huizhen slapped her in the face.

Then, he pretended to be suddenly enlightened.

"By the way, I'll tell you why I met you at Liying's house?"

"Guess, after you finish college."

"You didn't find a good job in a big city, did you?"

"Come... Come... Come..."

"if you have any difficulties, you may as well tell your aunt."

"Maybe I'm in a good mood."

"I'll give you a job in the fertilizer factory with a monthly salary of 4000-3000 yuan."

Speaking of this, Qian Huizhen also deliberately put the "3000-4000 yuan salary".

The syllables of this sentence have been raised by an octave.

Between the eyebrows, this arrogant color is shown.

It's beyond words.

As a result, Qian Huizhen is looking into Zhang Xiaofan's eyes.

Also with a "charity" flavor.

Like, in Qian Huizhen's eyes.

Poor students like Zhang Xiaofan who have just graduated from university and can't find a job.

If you hear that, I will not only take him in and give him a bite to eat.

Also willing to give him an extra salary of 3000-4000 yuan a month.

Such a "high paying job"!

That is uncertain, excited about to find North!

Then, the next second.

Zhang Xiaofan will run to himself like a pug.

Wag your tail to please yourself.

Let yourself, so as to take him to his own fertilizer plant as soon as possible.

To do this "high paying job" is not so bad.

"Ha ha..."

"you should keep this high salary job by yourself, aunt Qian."

"I've got a job now, and the company treats me well."

"So, I have no plans to change jobs for the time being."

When Zhang Xiaofan heard Qian Huizhen's "self righteous" and "don't know the so-called" words...

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