Almost every time they met, Zhang Xiaofan would not agree with each other. Without saying a word, he would directly start to confront himself with a strong wave of pressure and shock.

Don't give her any face at all!

And this is only the second, if other men dare to hate her like this.

It's estimated that this guy is on crutches now...

but for Zhang Xiaofan, Liu Shengyao can't beat him or scold him.

In Liu Shengyao's eyes, Zhang Xiaofan is just like a hedgehog, which makes her helpless and helpless...

at the same time, it is because Zhang Xiaofan is so "independent" that she does not take an ordinary road.

Although Liu Shengyao always thinks of Zhang Xiaofan, she has an impulse to fight him for 300 rounds.

But one thing that can't be denied is that Zhang Xiaofan really walked into Liu Shengyao's heart in such an unusual way.

Also become, the first and only one really into the heart of Liu Shengyao man!

Because of this, Zhang Xiaofan forced to kiss him outside the villa.

Although, Liu Shengyao always resisted from the heart.

Even, in her heart, there is a faint fear of what happened with Zhang Xiaofan.

But as an old saying goes, the more you fear, the more you will get.

Take today's incident as an example. Liu Shengyao is most afraid of something with Zhang Xiaofan. As a result, she was forced to kiss by the little red man outside the villa.

After that, what Liu Shengyao couldn't accept was that she was still enjoying that feeling a little bit...

and now, it's like this again. Ah, I'm finished, it's completely over. What should I do now?

At this moment, in Liu Shengyao's heart, all kinds of thoughts flow into her heart, and her mind is full of emotions.

Zhang Xiaofan was not as sentimental as Liu Shengyao at this time. He has always been a man who "has wine and is drunk today. Don't make the golden cup empty to the moon".

At the moment, although Zhang Xiaofan's environment is indeed a little oppressive, but his body and mind is happy.

After all, conquering Liu Shengyao's thorny rose also made him very immersed and took a key step.

One day, I will ask you to conquer in my crotch!

In the end, the dust settled down and everything was calm again.

In the bedroom, there is only the heavy breath after the rhyme. There was a wave of middle-aged people, and all that remained was exhaustion and emptiness.

He didn't move on the bed.

Hold on, endure, wait...

gradually, the men and girls in the bedroom become sleepy, and both of them are falling asleep.

After the storm, the time has also passed a full hour and a half.

Thanks to Zhang Xiaofan and Liu Shengyao in the wardrobe, they are both patient.

If not, Zhang Xiaofan and Liu Shengyao will not be able to directly start live broadcasting.

At this time, Liu Shengyao is also in front of the clothes to gently play aside, this is to make a show to get ready to go out.

In this way, the glass texture ghost door on the slide is quietly sliding open.

Although in this process is also inevitable to produce some small movement.

It's just that the sound is basically too small to be heard.

In addition, after a period of stormy weather , the fastest update of the webnovel!