However, Liu Shengyao had repeatedly emphasized the members of their three major crime teams before sending down the mission.

It is said that the criminal suspect is a very dangerous person with a strong means of killing. Let

the members of their serious case group can only be monitored on the periphery and not be easily approached.

Therefore, up to now, they can not really find out the specific situation of the suspect.

The road ahead is unknown and dangerous...

"well, you have done very well and worked hard..."

for the key information provided by this policeman, Zhang Xiaofan also patted him on the shoulder, satisfied with his identity, and said:

"you are very right to do this!"

"If you keep a close eye on this person, you will not only have a great risk of scaring the snake."

"At that time, if we want to make her aware of the danger in advance and run away, then our action will really be in vain..."

speaking of this, Zhang Xiaofan's tone was also a slight pause, and then he said in a slow voice:

"but the most important thing is that according to the person's extreme danger!"

"If there is a brother who is injured, it will be more than worth the loss..."

"well, Mr. Zhang really considers the whole thing, and is more professional than we do in this field..."

after hearing these concerned words from Zhang Xiaofan, although the young policeman said nothing, he still felt warm in his heart.

In addition, Zhang Xiaofan, who only met for the first time, also had a lot of good feeling in his heart.

After pondering for a moment in his mind, he continued: "however, Mr. Zhang, you can rest assured."

"I'm a native of Qinghe Village. We know the topography and landform of Qinghe Village very well!"

"At that time, we will dig out the suspect even if it is a three foot dig and a door-to-door carpet search."

Seeing the male policeman clapping his chest, Zhang Xiaofan also nodded with a smile, and then continued: "OK, now you and your brothers will hold still for the moment. You will take me to the village to see the situation first!"

"By the way, tell me about the progress of your search on the suspect..."

"Zhang Xiaofan, I'm going to...

Zhang Xiaofan was just about to enter the Qinghe Village with this male policeman. At the moment, Liu Shengyao, who had been silent, couldn't help but speak.

"Well, I've already told you what I should have said last night."

"You also know that what we are facing today is a headmaster who is proficient in Nanyang secret arts."

"So, even if you are past, you can't be busy on the list, but it's easy to have some unnecessary accidents..."

speaking of this, Zhang Xiaofan waved his hand and said again:

"in addition, you still have more important tasks to complete."

"At present, the air support from Hangzhou is almost on the way."

"By then, the burden of command for the entire plan of action will fall on your shoulders."

"Success or failure lies in this one action!!"

After explaining all this to Liu Shengyao, Zhang Xiaofan didn't say anything more and followed the male policeman who was familiar with the terrain to the Qinghe Village , the fastest update of the webnovel!