At this time, in order to facilitate Luo Hongwu, he brought Luo Donghai, one of the Luo family members.

But Luo Donghai is three under five divide two, was solved by Zheng Haoping.

At present, the only card Luo Hongwu can play now is only the Jiulong Gang, some of whom are old, weak, sick and pregnant.

Even some people in the Jiulong Gang have not reached the level of dark strength.

You say, in such a battle, what qualifications do you have to break the wrist with Zheng Haoping, who is a master of butchering dark force in the arena, such as the butcher of chicken and dog?

This kind of saying sounds good. It is called heroic death and generous death.

It's hard to say, that's the special hanging up in public, OK?

"Hum... You don't have to worry about it

"If you have this skill in Yongcheng, why don't you let your own people go to the arena and let a small family of Jinkui City dominate the arena and clamor around, as if you can't get into a nobody's land?"

Br... Song Hongji's words to song Hongji's family are no one's

Song Tiancheng, a local snake, was stunned and then sneered.

"Master Sun, please --!"

With that, song Tiancheng turned his head slightly and arched his hand solemnly at an old man in Tang costume who had been sitting behind him.

"Shua --!"

Suddenly, the eyes of the old man in Tang Dynasty suddenly opened and his whole body exuded a threatening momentum!

As soon as he stepped on the ground heavily, the whole man jumped out of thin air.

Step by step, as if there were invisible steps in the air, and in this way, three or four meters were taken directly.

This action of the old man in Tang costume is just like the people in the world in martial arts novels. It gives people a sense of profound and awe inspiring oppression!

"Is this the cultivator sent by the Song family? It seems that he has a certain appearance. Is it possible that he is a temporary worshiper?"

Looking at Master Sun falling from the box on the second floor, Shen Zhenguo's face also flashed a dignified color.

Although the Shen family is not a standard guwu family, it is not a member of the underground forces in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province.

It's a serious family doing business in the white way!

However, Shen Zhenguo founded Zhentian group, which can be ranked in the top 500 of Forbes Asia, and he is still the chairman of Zhentian group!

Therefore, Shen Zhenguo is naturally qualified to participate in this competition of underground forces in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province!

What's more, the competition of underground forces is a prosperous time in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province!

Since Shen Zhenguo has such a qualification, he naturally has no reason to choose to give up this precious opportunity to witness the unique demeanor of those masters and practitioners.

It's just a pity that Shen Qianyue is busy with the new products of Yayue cosmetics company.

So it's really hard to get rid of the body and lack of skills to separate the body.

So this time, only Shen Zhenguo and his wife Li Yahui attended the underground competition in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province.

"Zhenguo, according to the details of their song family in Yongcheng."

"They should have no reason to invite outsiders to do this. Isn't it enough to send their own elders of the Song family on the stage?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!