Let's ask, there are women in the world who want to get their hands more than their hearts and minds, and they hold onto their arms...

women, in this way, flirt with another man in front of themselves, show their love, and sometimes spread dog food to the outside...

and this is not the most excessive -

what is the most excessive return is that I am kneeling on this pair now Dog men and women, adulterers, prostitutes in front of a full of tears, a kneeling will be their scattered dog food to eat up.

"If you want to live a good life, you must add some green on your head..."

at this time, Wu Tianpeng, who was counting the grass mud horses on his head one by one, could only comfort himself with such words.


what is special in life is a tragedy...

one's own special characteristics are inexplicably given "green" by others. What happens in the end?

At the end of the day, he had no right to stand up and accuse this pair of adulterers, adulterers, dogs, men and women.

Not only in the face of a little dissatisfaction do not dare to reveal, but also from the face forced to squeeze a smile, trying to make a flattering, flattering expression.

Like a pug, I'd like to send my best wishes to the new couple, who are not even their predecessors.

"Ah... Ha ha ha ha, Mr. Zhang, you are so handsome, elegant and elegant."

"It's a perfect match between you and miss Reba. It's really a happy marriage that everyone praises..."

and Wu Tianpeng's "blessing" means that Reba, who had been bumping around in his heart, was even more uneasy. His face was as red as rouge, almost bleeding.

However, although Reba's heart is full of shame.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, Reba can only talk about it silently in his own heart, and it is not good to say or explain more on this topic.

Otherwise, Zhang Xiaofan can't hold his face at this time?!

In addition, in addition to concerns about the face of Zhang Xiaofan in the eyes of the public.

In fact, why is it that Zhou Yu is willing to fight Huang Gai, one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer?

At least now, she finds that she is a little reluctant to explain.

If these people misunderstand that they are Zhang Xiaofan's girlfriend, this kind of feeling...

this kind of feeling, actually let Reba have a kind of intoxication and a little enjoyment taste...

"don't give me those things that I said, don't think you flatter me, I won't ignore the previous things with you?"

It has to be said that Wu Tianpeng flatters himself like this. Zhang Xiaofan is speechless at this time and makes a big white eye.

"Hey, hey..."

"Mr. Zhang, you are wrong to say that. I am not all flattering

"It's really from the heart, sincerely sigh, and sincerely wish..."

"little brother, I can learn from your sincere heart, Mr. Zhang, from the sun and the moon

"Hehe bukui is the son of the family who came out of the imperial capital of Beiping. I have to say that you flatter the Emperor...

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