"The last time I met the robber, I was not in the same class as the robber this time."

"This man's name is Du Tianfeng. He is a class a wanted criminal in the national police system of the Chinese Police Bureau."

"What's more, Du Tianfeng was one of the most difficult guys in the drug cartel organization before it collapsed."

"With the means of investigation and counter reconnaissance, it can be said that the application is perfect!

"And you are a little white who knows nothing about these means of investigation or counter reconnaissance."

"I ask you, what do you take to fight against Du Tianfeng, an old man in the world?"

However, Liu Shengyao has not yet finished her words.

See Zhang Xiaofan this time already is an archery step, dodge body and go!

His figure turned into a black shadow, which disappeared completely in the sight of Liu Shengyao and other armed police officers and soldiers after a few jumps in front of him.

Although, Liu Shengyao is still because of Zhang Xiaofan and the unknown "little sister" shopping together, two hearts some secretly angry.

However, Liu Shengyao is also a bit unreasonable and unforgiving.

But in my heart, if I don't worry about Zhang Xiaofan's safety at all, it must be deceiving!

In particular, Liu Shengyao clearly knows that Du Tianfeng is a suspect who is very difficult to deal with.

In Liu Shengyao's heart, she can't stop worrying about Zhang Xiaofan.

"This guy, should not really play a hero and go after Du Tianfeng alone. He should be ok?"

"Wait, why should I care about his life and death?"

"Hum... Let him be a hero by himself. After being ambushed by Du Tianfeng, it's better to see him killed..."

"um... Um... Um..."

"this Dengtu prodigal son is full of bad water, but he is also very playful. We should give him a good lesson..."


and at this time, Liu Shengyao's heart is in Because of Zhang Xiaofan, there were times when he was worried about his gains and losses.

At this moment, on the other side of the street, a bald man turned over from the backyard wall of the same residential building.

Directly to a street, is frantic to flee, want to break out of the encirclement of the police as soon as possible.

Therefore, Du Tianfeng at this time is also foot oil, with the complex and changeable terrain of this residential area is constantly running away!

However, although there will be many armed police officers and soldiers in the direction of Du Tianfeng, they will be surrounded by him.

However, Du Tianfeng's heart at this time is "steady as a dog", not panic at all for a year!

For nothing else, this is mainly a residential area. The police will certainly pull the trigger and shoot themselves because of the many innocent civilians in the vicinity who dare not trade rashly.

Therefore, in Du Tianfeng's view, whether it is the right time and place or people and, his side is undoubtedly occupying an absolute advantage!

However, Du Tianfeng's heart is complacent when thinking, the original is not stop running pace is suddenly to stop!

Because, at the exit of this alley, I don't know when there is a shadow.

And this figure is...

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