Looking at the small face with a little bit of lost Shen Qianyue, Zhang Xiaofan is also smiling and shaking his hand, way.

"Well, Qianyue, I am the chairman of the Yayue company. Others can ignore it. Can I, who is the chairman of the board, still ignore it?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaofan seems to think of something, the corner of his mouth rises, outlines a bad smile, and says.

"Besides, even if I promise you to stay at this time, you are not ready for it?"

Said, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes seem to be intentional, seemingly unintentional toward Shen Qianyue behind that also slightly open bathroom door to look.

In his face is also with a very ambiguous smile, want to express the meaning is simply obvious!

See Zhang Xiaofan suddenly mentioned the scene that happened in the bathroom before.

Shen Qianyue's exquisite melon seed face was instantly stained with a blush -

so that the crystal clear ear beads were even more red, and almost all of them were about to drop blood.

In the heart is dark annoyed unceasingly, before in the bathroom how once in a lifetime good opportunity ah.

Obviously, I'm a little bit short of myself...

just a little bit less, I can complete the backstepping, OK?!

What happened?

As a result, when she saw that behind the scenes at the critical moment, she confessed at the critical moment...

SHEN Qianyue often thought of this matter with regret, but at the same time, she had a feeling of lingering fear.

Looking at this time, is worried about gain and loss, heart regret, chagrin Shen Qianyue, Zhang Xiaofan is also at this time in the heart quite feel funny.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan's flesh has been remodeled by the Queen Mother's mother for 3000 years. After that, Zhang Xiaofan's flesh has undergone a very thorough transformation!

In addition, some time ago, Zhang Xiaofan here because of greedy drinking Cheng Shikai gave him that with a very strong, domineering effect of the ancient wine of the Western Han Dynasty.

After that, he spent three days and nights in the wine pool filled with dragon whip wine.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan, which symbolizes the dignity and glory of men, is naturally not said, absolutely gifted!

On the other hand, Shen Qianyue is just a girl without any personnel!

At that time, after seeing such a shocking scene, if you didn't admit it and turned to attack instead, it would be called ghost.

Think of here, Zhang Xiaofan's heart is also can't help but feel crying and laughing.

He reached out and rubbed it, still immersed in his own inner world. Shen Qianyue, who had some regrets, said with a smile.

"In fact, you've done a good job just now."

"Although you haven't personally experienced the feeling geometry, at least you have tasted it, haven't you?"

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan's ambiguous words, Shen Qianyue's blush on her pretty face had just faded, and now she climbed up her cheek again.

She clenched her small fist, and without being angry, she beat Zhang Xiaofan's chest. She was not angry, and said.

"You don't mean to say that... It's not your strong demand."

"At the end of the day, I couldn't help but promise you. I didn't expect that you would just... Put on your pants and refuse to recognize anyone after enjoying it!"

Seeing Shen Qianyue as shy and angry as she is, Zhang Xiaofan's bad smile is also growing.

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