"I said that you, a woman, casually said that she was hopeless and hopeless. Doesn't it seem that I, the attending doctor, are not very well-known?"

However, in the bedroom, Su Wanqing and Su Yunhai, the father and grandson, were both sighing and sighing. They almost didn't hold each other and cry bitterly.

But to see, Zhang Xiaofan's face hung with a smile, leisurely pace into the bedroom.

"Zhang... Mr. Zhang... I know that you are skillful in medicine, but there will be a shortage of manpower..."

"at present, things have come to this point. You can't let me go through the last month of my life quietly, OK?"

Zhang Wanfan, looking at her, walked into the room again.

"Not good --!"

Without waiting for Su Wanqing to finish her speech, Zhang Xiaofan interrupted her previous words directly.

the look on Zhang Xiaofan's face was greatly different from that when she was in the toilet just now, and her face showed a strong confidence emanating from her bones.

As if in front of him, even if the day collapsed, it is not called matter!

After saying that, Zhang Xiaofan slowly walked to Su Wanqing's bed, sat down in a relaxed tone, and said:

"I've got a clear idea about your disease. It's the five decline of heaven and man!"

"Before that, I also had a certain understanding of this day's Wushuai, and I have already worked out your follow-up treatment plan!"

Then, without waiting for Su Wanqing and Su Yunhai to speak, Zhang Xiaofan took out a small jade bottle, opened the stopper, and poured a round and green pill into the palm of Zhang Xiaofan's right hand.

And, as Zhang Xiaofan poured the whole body of the green pill into his hands, he saw the dark fragrance surging around him for a time. An indescribable strange smell of medicine is to cover the small bedroom directly, so that people can only smell it a little, which is a refreshing and refreshing feeling!

"Mr. Zhang... Mr. Zhang, what exactly is this small pill in your hand?"

Seeing this small pill poured out of the jade bottle by Zhang Xiaofan, Su Yunhai could not help but stare at his own eyes, holding his chin and pondering for a long time.

in a flash of light in his mind, an idea suddenly appeared from Su Yunhai's heart, which also made Su Yunhai's face very frightened and surprised...

wait for Zhang Xiaofan He opened his mouth to answer the small green pill in his hand, but he saw that Su Yunhai was the first to open his mouth at this time.

"Mr. Zhang... It's hard... Is that the magic drug in the legend?"


After hearing Su Yunhai said so, Zhang Xiaofan also looked up at the old man Su quite unexpectedly.

I really can't see it. The old man Su still has some eyesight. He can see at a glance that this small pill in his hand is extraordinary!

"Ha ha... I can't see that you still have some vision. Yes, this is the panacea, xiaohuandan!"

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