So, this is in love with Zhang Xiaofan also feel that he is to help Qin sunset once, can not be open to see the female president in a disadvantage, right?!

Because of this, Zhang Xiaofan was directly planning to force Ke Jiasheng through the appearance of yuantianhang, the Zhejiang Association of merchants, and the two parents and sons of kekaihang handed over their shares to Tian Group.

And the two of Ke Jiasheng, Ke Kaihang and his son were completely expelled from the business circles of Hangzhou city and Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, and cut off all the party feathers of the two!

But in the current view, Zhang Xiaofan feels that his decision is not the perfect solution!

To know, Zhang Xiaofan decided to drive this Ke Jiasheng out of the city. The reason why he was going to drive out was to help her sister clear the obstacles and eliminate the hidden uncertainties completely!

But now, although I can do this, I can solve the danger and trouble of Tang Yan's little sister once and for all, but this is obviously unfair to Qin Xiyan, the female president!

You know, at present, it is basically certain that guosihai, the chairman of the board of directors of Longteng group, has raised a "private child" outside.

In addition, it is not difficult to see that guosihai is a very traditional and conservative person in the process of contact and understanding between the four seas.

Therefore, the thought of "emphasizing men over women" does not need to say that Zhang Xiaofan can imagine that under the promotion of this traditional thought of "emphasizing men over women" --

this Guo Sihai is not sure that after a hundred years, he will give the post of chairman of the board of directors under his butt to Qin Xiyan.

Although Qin's talent in business and his own ability are absolutely called "genius", it is worthy of the word "Iron Lady", and has full ability to lead the real take-off of Longteng group and really lead the leader to the top.

But in China, you will have the space to show your boxing if you can not!

Moreover, if Guo Sihai has too much voice within the board of directors of Longteng group.

So, once Guo Sihai decides to give his position as chairman of the board of directors to the illegitimate son, there is no doubt that the situation will be very unfavorable to Qin Xiyan and very bad!

How to say, I also looked at the place that the female president should see before, and the place that should not be seen also. It can be said that apart from the last step, Zhang Xiaofan basically takes up almost all the cheapness from the beauty president!

So, in love with Zhang Xiaofan at this time can not sit down, watching the beauty President so in danger and ignore it?!

It is worth mentioning that this is a strategic partnership between Tiang and Longteng group itself --

If Ke Jiasheng is to be allowed to continue to control the shares of Tiantian group by the two parents and sons of kekaihang --

then, the two parents and sons can be controlled from the side, and the Longteng group can exert great external pressure on guosihai from the middle to make guosihai under great external pressure to hold back from taking action against an evildoer for fear of involving good people!

However, as for internal pressure...

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