At the same time, Zhou Lirong's plump body still does not forget to rub against Guo Sihai's body, blinking her eyes, whining and whining.

Seeing Zhou Lirong's affectation, Guo Sihai's eyebrows became a knot in one's heart --

he seems to have no special feeling for the woman in his arms. Instead, he feels quite disgusted and impatient from his heart. Guo Sihai kneaded his own temple, some impatiently shook his hand to interrupt, the way.

"OK, I said you are almost OK. You also know that your son Yang Yang is only five years old at best this year, and he has not even gone to primary school. What's your urgent need? You should read books first."

When he said this, Guo Sihai stretched out his hand and directly retreated Zhou Lirong, who was "Lai" on himself, to stand up.

After hearing Guo Sihai say this, Zhou Lirong was not happy at the moment. She came up again like a piece of "dog skin plaster" and reached out to encircle Guo Sihai's neck and once again relied on the man's body.

"I said what you want to do, now this is in the group, if other people see the impact is not good!"

At this time, Guo Sihai's tone is not as soft as before, and his words are obviously sharp and serious.

Zhou Lirong's eyes went out and waited. Without showing weakness, she said, "what do you mean to me?"

"The baby of our family is the only blood of your old Guo family. He is almost five years old now. I am not worried about the emperor and eunuchs every day."

"If you look at Qin Xiyan, she has already mastered more than 25% of the shares of Longteng group, becoming the second largest shareholder in the group."

"I said," Guo Sihai, are you a fool? "

"This Qin Xiyan is not only a woman's body, but also she made such a treacherous thing as changing her surname from Guo to Qin."

"I don't think I can give you Guo Sihai to support the elderly. I guess if Qin Xiyan's power is bigger, I'm afraid you won't be able to protect Guo Sihai's evening Festival!"

Zhou Lirong step forward, aggressive, alarmist, road.

After hearing Zhou Lirong say so, Guo Sihai frowns tightly. He thinks about it in his heart and then sighs deeply.

"Ah, Xiyan's temper is too stubborn and too strong, otherwise he would not leave the family in a fit of anger, and change his surname along with it."

"But there's nothing to hide. What you and I can't deny is that sunset's sense of smell to the market, as well as the ability to survive in this treacherous shopping mall is the best choice!"

"At present, whether our Longteng group can make further progress depends on Xiyan. It is no exaggeration to say that Xiyan is the biggest dependence of guosihai and also the biggest dependence of Longteng group."

"In the future, only Xiyan can lead Longteng group to glory and reach the peak, and only Xiyan can do it --!!"

Of course, there is a saying that Guo Sihai didn't say it. The reason why he believed in Qin Xiyan so much depended on his own excellent ability in business , the fastest update of the webnovel!