After all, the object of Zhou Lirong's revenge was not only Li muxue, but also Li muxue's best friend Ma Ruiyang.

Moreover, the matter itself is also due to his Zhang Xiaofan, so this is in love with him, Zhang Xiaofan absolutely did not sit back and ignore the truth.

Moreover, even if there is no such call from Qin Xiyan to Li muxue, he will take the initiative to call Li qiuxuan and ask Secretary Li to "please" Li muxue and Ma Ruiyang, the two sisters in the public relations department.

"OK, since you don't speak, I'll tell you. Previously, you invited Li muxue back. There is also a sister in the public relations department named Ma Ruiyang."

"I said, Mr. Qin, do you want good people to do things low and send the Buddha to the west?"

Zhang Xiaofan is straight to the point.

"Ha ha... One girl from left, another sister's, it seems that you have a good relationship with the public relations department. When you go to work, you often go to the public relations department to collect information?"

I don't know why, when I know Zhang Xiaofan is around Li muxue, Qin Xiyan feels very uncomfortable and flustered.

Then, I heard from my own ears that Zhang Xiaofan had no other meaning to chat with him after he received his phone call. This also made Qin Xiyan feel sour for no reason, as if he was jealous.

Although the feeling of calculation came suddenly, it did exist...

after thinking about this, Qin Xiyan was stunned. How could the tone of her conversation with Zhang Xiaofan become so... So strange?!

How is it that I'm so jealous and angry about my boyfriends who are out here and there?!

However, compared with Qin Xiyan's astonishment, Zhang Xiaofan at this time is not much better than the former, which is also slightly surprised!

was originally in his last office, when he was in the office of the president, when he was in the office of acupuncture and moxibustion, he accidentally discovered that Zhang Xiaofan, who was hiding in the drawer of the "piggy page" social man's mugs, had already felt very strange.

because, according to Zhang Xiaofan's understanding of Qin Xi Yan, he prefers to believe Qin Qin Yan doesn't drink water without cups, and doesn't believe Qin Qin Yan will drink water with such a social cup as piggy?


What's more, it's a couple's style?!

Now she is talking to herself in such a coquettish and complaining tone? You don't have to do this with me, boss?!

However, Zhang Xiaofan is Qin Xiyan this sudden "little girl posture" to make some zhanger monks confused.

Qin Xiyan, on the other end of the phone, has already readjusted her mood. In order to cover up her embarrassment and embarrassment at this time, Qin Xiyan has to put on a high and cold attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away in the group.

"This is the personnel transfer arrangement of Longteng group, so you don't have to ask so much!"


Zhang Xiaofan a listen to Qin Xiyan said this, the heart can not help a little angry.

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