"But again, you sword and Shield security company is not only not in the stream, but also the test you set. "

" originally, before I heard about you, the Sword Shield security company, there was a little bit of black background. "

"Since there is a bit of black background, how many of these three passes can also be on the table, hanging up on the grade?"

"It's really unexpected that in the end, it's just these brain handicapped things. It's just a big trick to skate around the world."


seeing Zhang Xiaofan's outspoken remarks to ridicule their jiandun security company, Lu Shengming subconsciously wanted to open his mouth to refute something, but he just squeezed out a word "you" in his throat, and he could not speak any more.

The past defiant, the past domineering in this time all disappeared.

As for the reason is also very simple, mole ants are greedy for life, not to mention people?!

As for Lu Shengming, he doesn't want to give his life to Lu Shengming just because he is quick to speak.

If Zhang Xiaofan really does not agree with the opportunity to kill himself, it is like killing the Hatcher. Lu Sheng really has no room for resistance. He can only wash his neck and wait for his death.

"It's OK --!"

However, Lu Shengming and Xuanyuan Yunqing are at a loss because of Zhang Xiaofan's threatening momentum. It is to hear the voice of a strong middle-aged man suddenly coming from behind.

The sound fell, and soon I saw a figure. Suddenly, I stepped out of the front door of the basement.

This is a middle-aged man in a Zhongshan suit. His left hand is carrying his back, and his right hand is playing with two Yin and Yang balls. He strides forward in the direction of Zhang Xiaofan.

Although the man in Chinese tunic suit seems happy and contented on the surface, but from the pace under his feet, as well as the momentum of his body, this man is afraid to be not simple!

This is a master. If it comes to the actual strength, he should be at least above Wu Haisheng!

In just a look at the man in the Zhongshan suit, Zhang Xiaofan has already had a clear understanding of the strength of the comer in his heart.

However, the reason why this man in Zhongshan suit is called "master" is that he can barely compete with Wu Haisheng, so he can be regarded as "master".

If this person is compared with Zhang Xiaofan, he is quite sure that he can take his head in three moves!!!

"Brother fan, this is Lu Jianguo, chairman of jiandun security company. He was also the founder of jiandun gang and the old leader of the last one."

"Among them, Lu Jianguo was proficient in Shaolin Luohan boxing five or six years ago. When it comes to foreign boxing, Lu Jianguo can rank among the top ten in Jiangnan province."

As soon as Lu Jianguo appeared, Wu Haisheng stepped forward and whispered in Zhang Xiaofan's ear.

"Shaolin Luohan boxing?"

After hearing Wu Haisheng say so, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes can not help but ignore a touch of interest.

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