If his parents saw it, they would bring back three big tigers instead of three kittens...

therefore, now Zhang Xiaofan can only hope that these three cats can cultivate and achieve achievements as soon as possible, and reduce their huge size back to the normal size of domestic cats before they devoured dragon blood 。

At that time, Zhang Xiaofan will be able to take the three cats home, and protect his parents for him when he is not at home.

"Mom and Dad... It's getting late. I'll go back to my room and have a rest. Don't stay up too late. Just go to bed after watching this TV series."

at 10:30 p.m., Zhang Xiaofan said good night to his parents, and then he went back to his room and locked the door directly.

Lying back on his little bed, Zhang Xiaofan directly took out his mobile phone, opened wechat and directly entered the interface of treasure Pavilion.

Now, in Zhang Xiaofan's treasure Pavilion, there are many good treasures from Tianting chat group.

A bag of Shenxiao red snow seeds, a cicada wing golden silk armour, a five thunder peach wood sword, and a bottle of dragon blood of Blackwater demon dragon.

In addition, there is also a Baipi Dao, a bottle of willow nectar, which is in the incomplete state. Of course, there are also two bottles of spirit liquid from the second senior brother Zhu Bajie.

In particular, the seeds of Shenxiao red snowflake are temporarily put down by Zhang Xiaofan and stored in the treasure Pavilion.

However, in order to maintain the activity of these seeds from Penglai fairyland, Zhang Xiaofan still needs to cultivate such seeds with his own true yuan power every day. To make them take root and sprout smoothly, he needs to think of other ways.

These seeds of Shenxiao red snowflake play an important role in Zhang Xiaofan's next development of anticancer drugs -

he must have all the seeds of Shenxiao red snowflake rooted and sprouted before Shao Wenqiang and others had dealt with the matter.

Now, there is only less than two weeks left from the last time Zhang Xiaofan, Shao Wenqiang and other leading locks in the underground world in Jiangnan province. There is not much time left for him.

Originally, according to Zhang Xiaofan's initial plan, he wanted to plant the seeds of these Shenxiao red snowflakes in his manor in the chessboard mountain.

However, since the last time he discovered the zege Zerg in the Qipanshan manor, Zhang Xiaofan has vaguely wanted to change to a new place suitable for the cultivation of Shenxiao red snow.

But if you want to make the Shenxiao red snowflake take root and sprout, you must find a good place with abundant spirit and abundant rain.

After reading the introduction of Shenxiao red snowflake, Zhang Xiaofan turned around and said that his attention was again focused on the two bottles of spiritual liquid given by Zhu Bajie, the two elder martial brothers.

Shenmu spirit liquid, nine ghost liquid!

Because recently, Zhang Xiaofan has too many trivial things here, and has not been able to idle down.

So since the second elder martial brother gave the two bottles of spirit liquid from Tianting Tianhe to himself, he had no time to examine the clues.

With this in mind, Zhang Xiaofan pointed to the introduction page of Shenmu Lingye www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!