One of them was aimed at the artery at the base of his thigh, the other at the back of his heart, and the last one was aimed at his neck.

"Flying knife, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan sneered in his heart, and suddenly turned around. With a wave of his right hand, he easily grasped all the flies that came towards him.

"Have you started to play with throwing knives? However, you are still a lot worse in the heat! "

"I'll teach you!"

Zhang Xiaofan looked up at the long haired man whose face was full of amazement and horror. The corners of his mouth rose and a meaningful arc appeared.

Then, with a wave of his right hand, he could not see how he moved. The three handles flew to the man with long hair at a speed tens of times faster than before.


"Poo Chi --!"

"Puff, puff

Just listen, the sound of the three blades entering the flesh almost at the same time. I can see that the three handles thrown out by Zhang Xiaofan are flying to the ground, and none of them falls into the air, and all of them stab into the man with long hair.

They are throat, heart and eyebrow.

It's a neat and quick kill without suspense!!!




"How could... Have been killed again?"

Seeing that black strong man and long hair man didn't even walk across Zhang Xiaofan's hand, he was easily killed and palmed by the other party. This also made the remaining mercenaries thoroughly flustered.

As for the blonde white man who was still sitting on the cement column, pretending to be the boss and the boss, he was finally completely flustered at this time, and his whole body felt a cold air constantly swimming among his four limbs.

As for the Koguryo man, who was short and had a Kalashnikov automatic rifle in his hand, and the strong man who was two meters tall.

One hand was holding a golden back machete, and the other was pointing to the long haired man who had fallen to the ground. His mouth opened and closed for a long time, but he could not say a complete word.

Previously, the two throwing knives were shot into his tianlinggai and throat respectively, and the last one just hit his left chest, directly penetrating his heart.

To tell you the truth, the parts of the body attacked by this man's three throwing knives are all lethal, enough to kill a man with long hair three times.

"You garbage..."

just when the wolf mercenaries were shocked by the bloody and cruel scene, their brains were blank.

However, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes swept, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, sketching a scornful arc, the way.

"I said," who gave you the courage to run to my China? Don't be so anxious to see Yama

"You... What are you... Who are you?"

At this time, the white blondes lost their composure and fullness, their forehead was covered with cold sweat, and their faces were filled with panic and despair , the fastest update of the webnovel!