After hearing this statement from Uncle Si, afya and Tian Shengyu both showed a dignified look. They were all ready to stand by and dare not have any carelessness.

After uncle Si's detailed explanation, both of them have clearly understood that this mission is not only extremely dangerous.

Among them, from a certain level, it is to determine whether they can continue to exist in this heaven and earth in the future!

As well as the key issues of the life and death of hundreds of disciples in Tiangu sect!

See, Si Shu this time again take out a jade Jane from his carry on bag.

"This jade bamboo is the only magic skill in Tiangu gate that can resist Gu king."

"Before leaving, the great elder exhorted and ordered me to read that you two had successfully practiced this witchcraft in the shortest time, so as to deal with the threat of the king of Gu."

"Although the topography of Baihua Valley is unique, it can protect us for a while, but it can't protect our whole life."

"Therefore, it is only a temporary measure for us to stay away from Baihua valley. The burden of revitalizing Tiangu gate in the future will fall on both of you!"

Afya and Tian Shengyu also knew the seriousness of the matter and nodded seriously one after another. As a member of Tiangu gate, they naturally have the duty bound to give everything for their own clan!


at this time, in a mountain forest more than ten kilometers away from Baihua Valley in Miao Autonomous Region, a figure in gray robe was rapidly shuttling through the mountain forest at a speed as fast as ghosts.

He is like a ghost in the night. Although the terrain is complex, he is walking on the ground at the foot of the man in grey robe. He can not hinder him at all.

What's more, the flowers, plants and trees in the place where the man in grey robe passed by were withering and withering rapidly at the speed visible to the naked eye, and there were bursts of black smoke around, just like the crying of ghosts!

"It's just two ants. How long can you struggle?"

The man in grey robe is holding an oval shaped jade card with a strange dark red color all over his body. His mouth is grinning, showing a creepy evil smile, which makes his whole person even more ferocious and terrifying!

The next morning, Zhang Xiaofan slowly climbed up from his bed.

After a simple wash, he casually made a breakfast for himself. After eating, he came to the courtyard under the tall bamboo building.

However, Zhang Xiaofan planted in the courtyard of the Shenxiao red snow, at this time the seeds have been broken out of the ground, out of the wisps of tender buds.

"Indeed, the spirit of heaven and earth is far better than that of the outside world. It is really abundant."

"If I didn't expect that, according to the current growth rate, in about a week or so, the Shenxiao red snowflake will grow to five or six centimeters high, and there should be flowers on its branches and leaves..."

just when Zhang Xiaofan was secretly happy about the growth of Shenxiao red snow, the next moment could be However, he noticed something was wrong , the fastest update of the webnovel!