However, how can it be regarded as Zhang Xiaofan's test on the environment of Baihua Valley in Miao Autonomous Region?

Nowadays, Qipanshan's manor of planting heavenly divine trees is always facing the threat of zege alien insects.

Although, Zhang Xiaofan can spend a lot of merit points in the wechat treasure house to buy talisman guards, dark swordsmen, and nine Li flame totem, in order to protect the temporary safety of his sacred tree manor.

However, there is no doubt that they are faced with the zege alien insects, which are like tides.

Zhang Xiaofan's way of constantly strengthening the defense force of Shenshu manor is just a temporary measure, not a permanent cure.

Therefore, the most important thing for Zhang Xiaofan is to transfer the divine trees planted in Qipanshan manor as soon as possible, so as to find the next suitable place for the growth of sacred trees.

Because of this, Zhang Xiaofan came to baihuagu to plant Shenxiao red snowflake, in addition to its own purpose of developing anti-cancer drugs.

Among them, the most fundamental purpose is to find a second suitable land for planting God trees.

As for the zege alien insects hidden in the Qipan mountain, Zhang Xiaofan naturally did not intend to let them go.

However, now Zhang Xiaofan's strength has not been able to uproot these zege alien insects.

When he really condensed "Renyuan gold elixir" to achieve the prestige of the venerable, he will return to Qipanshan again and eradicate it from the earth!

However, at present, although the aura of Baihua Valley in Miao Autonomous Region is abundant, it fluctuates greatly, especially between morning and night.

If Zhang Xiaofan doesn't do anything 24 hours a day, he just stays by the red snowflake of Shenxiao day and night to help it harmonize his aura. This is obviously unrealistic.

"If we can find out what we mentioned earlier from the conversation group of Da Luo Jinxian, it can be used to stabilize the surrounding environment

"All the difficulties that he is facing at present will be easily solved in front of the spirit gathering array..."

thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan can not help but sigh.

At present, the cultivation of "Xiaofan" is not very helpful.

But this time and a half, where did he go to look for the spirit gathering array in the mouth of these celestial chatting groups?

In addition, is there really a theory of gathering spirits in this world.

All this is just an unknown number for Zhang Xiaofan now...

"brother Han, you got up so early today...

Zhang Xiaofan is meditating on the stone steps in the courtyard, carefully observing the growth state of Shenxiao red snowflake, and adjusting the aura fluctuation of the surrounding heaven and earth, so that Shenxiao red snowflake can It can grow in a better environment.

But when Zhang Xiaofan was busy, he heard the voice he didn't want to hear.

At this time, aido's small face was full of joy. He rushed into his courtyard and sat with Zhang Xiaofan side by side.

Looking at the sweet and sweet dimple on his side, Zhang Xiaofan took a puff from the corner of his mouth and could not help but smile bitterly on his face , the fastest update of the webnovel!