"What's the situation?"

After seeing this, the dusk clouds and rain, even if they are stupid, realize that the situation is unusual.

At this moment, she clearly felt that her right hand palm was numb by the strong shock force from her body.

Even before, it was a faint illusion to the evening cloud and rain that the position they had attacked earlier was not on the human body, but on the contrary, it was a heavy attack on the copper wall and iron wall cast by molten iron.

And Zhang Xiaofan is just like a person who has nothing to do. From the beginning to the end, he really didn't move a single step!

"This... How could this be possible?"

After perceiving something wrong, the whole person of the evening cloud and rain was shocked to retreat back and forth again and again, and a pair of muddy old eyes was completely filled with the color of fear at this time.

Yun Twilight rain is not only proficient in witchcraft in Miao, Maoshan Daoism, but also a real practitioner.

Her whole body of true yuan cultivation has reached the lofty realm of a half step venerable person. Only one chance can make her become a master!

However, even at dusk, the strength is so terrible.

However, her previous attack itself is all-out, but Zhang Xiaofan is like a person who has nothing to do, and is unhurt.

Therefore, after trying to understand the causes and consequences, one possibility, the only one, has emerged in the mind of dusk cloud and rain at this moment.

That is, the man who killed his husband in front of him is a terrible existence who has reached the golden elixir realm with the cultivation of Zhenyuan!

23、 Four year old golden elixir, this... This is something that people have never heard of and never seen before.

However, the bloody fact is placed in front of the evening clouds and rain, which makes her even if she does not want to believe that there is no way!

And in the evening cloud rain just because Zhang Xiaofan is "the golden elixir" thing is feeling the heart trembling unceasingly.

However, Zhang Xiaofan was the same as before, as if he had not noticed the attack on his back before the evening clouds and rain.

The whole person is still the same as before, slowly help Qin Xiyan untie the rope on her body.

Then, Zhang Xiaofan will tie in her chest for the big red belly bag to pull down, and help her put on the black high-heeled shoes again.

After finishing all this, Zhang Xiaofan slowly turned around, and his eyes were very indifferent, without any trace of emotional color.

"If what I expected is right, you should be the one who uses the soul killing needle to do something harmful to others, to benefit oneself and to harm the world."

"You should have killed Chu Shenliang of Chu family in Jiangnan!

Zhang Xiaofan's tone of indifference, such as water, but it is in the heart of the evening clouds once again set off a burst of waves.

You know, this soul killing needle is the secret of Maoshan Taoist school.

In addition, it is also the reason for banning martial arts. It can be said that even the disciples of Maoshan Taoist school may not have the opportunity to contact the soul killing needle in their whole life.

Even the disciples of Maoshan Taoist school may not know the existence of soul killing needle. What's more, ordinary people outside the Maoshan Taoist school are not likely to know the existence of this skill www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!