"But even so, it's impossible for you to kill me!"

Speaking of this, the cloud evening rain still does not forget to rush Zhang Xiaofan to erect three fingers, full of self-confidence, the road.

"To tell you the truth, in today's China, there are only two people who can really take their old life!"

"Of course, you can't kill me, but it's easy for me to kill the people around you!"

Although Xiao Yun's face is still alive.

However, Zhang Xiaofan was not angry at this time. He also wore a smile that made him very interested.

"Oh? Two of them

"Well, come and have a look. Let me know which two people you are talking about, and let me see Zhang Xiaofan!"

To this, cloud evening rain is heavy cold hum a, she disdains of return way.

"One of the two is a famous military God, long Qianzhang.

As for the other man, he was Qin Zongheng, the head of the burning Heaven Gate, who was once known as the invincible hand of the venerable one

"Except for these two people, if anyone wants to kill me, it's just wishful thinking."

"I am not only proficient in witchcraft in Miao area, but also good at Taoism in Maoshan mountain. How can this be a child's play?"

"Oh, really?"

"It seems that the two people you mentioned should be the top three of the golden elixir in China!"

Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help laughing when he said this, but the smile on his face was filled with a kind of unspeakable and unclear ridicule and ridicule. It's a pity that I will be the third person you meet

For Zhang Xiaofan such an outspoken words, cloud evening rain simply did not put it in the heart.

She slightly Zheng Zheng, then in its face still don't forget to sneer a, way.

"Zhang Xiaofan, I admit that you are really not simple. When you are young, you can have the realm of Zhenyuan that ordinary people want to step into all their lives!"

"But after all, you are still too young. If you give you another five or six years, maybe you can be as good as the dragon and Qin Zongheng, and have the ability to kill me head-on!"

"But now, you are still too weak and too tender. Let me die!"

After the last word of cloud and evening rain fell, her hands turned into palms, and with a fierce, unstoppable horror, the strong wind fiercely attacked Zhang Xiaofan.

However, this is to let Zhang Xiaofan feel quite unexpected!

You know, although the cloud and evening rain has formed an irresolvable hatred with himself, he has a reason to kill himself.

However, her own strength is only half a step to build the foundation, and obviously she is slightly inferior to her own in Zhenyuan cultivation.

However, from then on, when the cloud and the evening rain acted like this, they did not choose to escape directly. Instead, they took the initiative to fight against themselves.

No matter what the result is, it is indeed a little abnormal.

However, Zhang Xiaofan is an expert in art. No matter what kind of conspiracy the cloud and evening rain is preparing, he is not afraid.

Quite a few, he is strong by him, the wind blows the mountains. He let him be horizontal, the moon shines on the river, and I am still!!!

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