"As for the new launch of silver bullet anticancer drugs, it is still scheduled to be held in the four seasons hotel in Hangzhou Xizi lake a week later, and there will be no loss."

With that, Zhang Xiaofan seemed to suddenly think of something and added, way.

"Oh, by the way, the warehouse of our pharmaceutical factory is on fire!"

"Qin Xiyan, you will send someone to check the warehouse later to see what the loss is and how much money has been lost. You can list all these for me. I have my own use."

See Zhang Xiaofan have been said to such a point, although Qin Xiyan's heart is still some indecisive.

But out of absolute trust with Zhang Xiaofan, she still nodded and called Li muxue and the accountant of the pharmaceutical factory to go to the warehouse to count the specific losses of the pharmaceutical factory this time.

"In order to meet the demand for anti-cancer drugs in the Chinese medicine market after the press conference, I have asked Chu pharmaceutical to join hands to reserve a large number of Chinese herbal medicines for the production of silver bullets."

"So, simply calculate the total value of these large quantities of Chinese herbal medicines is about 100 million."

"At this price, most of them are sold to us at the cost price, so the price will be so cheap..."

"if we want to use the funds again to purchase the remaining Chinese herbal medicines in the market on a large scale, it will cost at least 150 million!"

"In addition, the villagers of Dongsheng Village made trouble in our pharmaceutical factory, and the warehouse and surrounding buildings were damaged to a certain extent."

"And the production line was forced to stop work. A series of losses, large and small, were about 210 million..."

it has to be said that Qin Xiyan, the beautiful president of the pharmaceutical factory, also included in the total compensation the loss of production lines, research and development equipment as well as the delay and overtime pay of its employees.

In this way, one to two hard to the loss of money to a astronomical figure!

"Preliminary statistics show that the total loss of Xuanji pharmaceutical factory will be about 250 million!"

After calculating with the accountant of the pharmaceutical factory, Qin Xiyan put a dense list in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

"Well, it's good, but there's something you can't count in."

Zhang Xiaofan simply swept the list of compensation given by Qin Xiyan and nodded, then turned the front of the story and then went on.

"If we want to add the compensation that we nearly affected the launch of anti-cancer drugs this time, as well as the company's relevant scheduling and preparation of compensation."

"We won't give them anything. The lion will open his mouth. We can just round it up to 300 million yuan."

"What's more, it's just the material loss cost we put on the surface!"

"If you take into account the mental damage that so many of us have suffered, there are almost 2000 employees in the pharmaceutical factory together!"

"According to the compensation of 100000 yuan demanded by the villagers in Dongsheng Village, the more than 2000 employees of our pharmaceutical factory and Chen's Pharmaceutical Group will pay us another 200 million yuan?"

"However, our employees are much more expensive than those villagers in Dongsheng Village..." www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!