"A few of you, you are not people who practice the truth."

"Therefore, it's natural that we don't know what's going on inside our practice world...

after a little deliberation, the woman in Han costume said slowly," I believe you should have read all kinds of martial arts novels, martial arts TV series, movies and so on before. "

"And there are some martial arts experts and heroes in the world, although they are really divine."

"But if compared with us, it will be too much."

"For those who really stand at the top of the cultivation world."

"It's not enough for them to move mountains and fill the sea, divide gold and jade, turn their hands into clouds, and cover their hands for rain. It's not just between one thought and another."

"Like my grandfather standing in front of you, if he wants to.

Only by thinking about it, we can make a few people in the area of tens of miles, and there will be no more boats and pedestrians! "

After hearing this, Luo Yurou and Guo Meimei are all at this time. Look at me and I will see you.

They are from each other's eyes that saw deep disbelief, as well as shocked, inexplicable color.

If not, the Han dress woman is not classical and indifferent, elegant in manner and extraordinary in temperament.

To be reasonable, Luo Yurou and his party may think that the girl in Han costume is also with this bad old man, and they want to cheat their accomplices...

you know, in this world, how can there be such a big man who moves mountains and fills the sea, turns his hands into clouds and covers his hands for rain?!

If you don't say anything else, just look at what the women in Han nationality said before.

Even for the three-year-old, the child may not believe it, OK?!

In addition, the woman in the Han Dynasty also said that the old man with rich hair could sink all the boats in the area of more than ten miles at a time.

This... This is even more fantastic. It makes you laugh, OK?!!

You know, even if there are no 100 ships within ten miles around them, there will still be 80?

Besides, there are many boat boats and small passenger ships around here besides the boat fight they take.

However, these ships are all made of the heavy wood and the extremely hard ones. At least, there are tons of them.

In addition, these ships have many airtight cabins and drain tanks in Shanghai.

You can say, for civilian ships, that's armed to the teeth, OK?!

So don't say that one blow will sink these ships.

Even if it's a blow that can break through the deck and hull under their feet, it's harder than going to the sky, OK?!!

However, at this time, Luo Yurou and Xuanyuan Yunqing all had their own expressions on their faces. All of them were given full attention by the Han dress woman.

At the same time, in her eyes is also in this moment a touch of deep disapproval.

"Ha ha..."

"you are just frogs at the bottom of a well that can only watch the sky from the well."

"When my grandfather was famous in Hanzhou, he could fight a tiger and a lion with his bare hands. He could kill an adult grizzly bear with one punch, and he could fight dozens of white sharks with one man when he went into the sea...

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