Indeed, as he said earlier, they really did not know much about the Chinese cultivation world.

However, for the famous monks of Shaolin Temple, master Xuancheng and long Qianzhang, the "military God", they were very familiar with it.

But now, even the "overlord" Qin Zongheng is in the hands of "Master Zhang" in the south of the Yangtze River.

Even master Xuancheng and long Qianzhang, a famous monk of Shaolin Temple, who is famous in the Chinese religious circle, is forced to face down by Master Zhang.

This kind of thing, let alone have seen it with their own eyes, has never even heard of it.

this is simply...

this is simply a sensational event!

"The leader of the organization has already told us that the Wutian devil can use all the means of heaven, and his combat power is amazing!"

"even if we fight head-on with him, the only way to go is to die."

"Therefore, if it is not for some unavoidable reason, do not provoke such existence."

"Otherwise, even if all the Tianzi killers of our whole Luocha organization are tied together, it may not be the one in one enemy of Zhang Xiaofan."

"What's more, you should also know that Luocha can't easily offend a Wulin supreme who ranks first in the Chinese cultivation circle for the sake of you three dispensable little shrimps!"

When referring to the four words of "Wutian devil", even the face of the two old men of strategic and strategic positions also showed an unprecedented dignified color, and their eyebrows were filled with deep fear.

"We know that we will never provoke such terror, let alone add any unnecessary trouble to the organization."

LUO Jinguang and his party all nodded, and their colleagues were very happy. Fortunately, they did not offend this mysterious pharmaceutical company.

Otherwise, what are they? The "Master Zhang" standing behind the Xuanji pharmaceutical company and even the leaders of their Luocha organization feel inferior to each other?

If the existence of such terror is provoked, it will not be enough to give them 10 or 100 lives...

however, what Luo Jinguang and his three people, even the elder two of them, did not dream of.

Even they all talk about terror, actually some people do not know how to provoke.

What's more, the provocation is that a group of people went up to send off their heads. It's really tiresome to be alive...


meanwhile, in the villa of Luo family, Luo Yurou competed to sit alone in front of the dresser.

However, the girl's appearance at this time is obviously haggard than when she saw Zhang Xiaofan a few days ago.

On weekdays, she is rarely dressed, but today she is heavily made up, which makes her whole person in addition to youth, and adds a bit of charm and sexy charm.

However, compared with the bright and gorgeous make-up, the mirror of their own is not a trace of joy, happy, the rest of the face is only deep sorrow.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Luo Yurou's lips light open, deeply spit out a sigh voice.


LUO Yurou raised her slender hand and gently rubbed the hairpin which looked a little bit ordinary , the fastest update of the webnovel!