The reason is not that Zhang Xiaofan may not be able to give his daughter a happy future.

But now it seems that their original worry is so ridiculous.

If master Zhang can't give his daughter the future and happiness in Jiangnan, who has the ability?

In the south of the Yangtze River, he was the only one who had the power to subdue the heroes of all walks of life in the south of the Yangtze River. In addition, he was able to talk and laugh, and Tu Zun was as relaxed and comfortable as a dog butcher.

It can be said that for "Master Zhang", it's very easy for him to keep his daughter's life prosperous and peaceful.

Seeing Luo Yurou standing at the door and looking at Zhang Xiaofan's back, Zhou Qianyu couldn't help laughing and said, "what are you doing in a daze? Don't look, people are already far away..."

hearing her mother's words, Luo Yurou gradually recovered from her previous stupidity, and her face was covered with an attractive blush, Jiaochen, Tao.

"Mom, you... What did you say? I didn't look at him..."

after hearing the speech, Zhou Qianyu laughed without saying a word. She stretched out her hand and sat Luo Yurou by her side, with a loving smile on her face.

"Ah... It's our family's Yurou's vision is good. It's such a hero who stands up to heaven and earth."

"This is much better than the second generation of the rich and the second generation of officials who rely on the family power behind them and are sheltered by their parents."

"Mom took back what she said to you before. If you want to love Xiao Fan only in this life, your father and I will not object to it."

"Of course, your father and I would love to see Xiao Fan become the future son-in-law of our Luo family."

Heard his mother, these three words will be his and Zhang Xiaofan marriage events are to say, Luo Yurou a small face red that is more like a cooked crab general.

However, Luo Yuanzheng ignored this, followed Zhou Qianyu's words, followed by Tao.

"My daughter, a young hero like master Zhang, who is young and outstanding, can not be compared with Xuanyuan Yunqing and Luojin Guangfa."

"Let's not talk about anything else. Let's just talk about Shao Wenqiang, Xiang Nantian and Chu Guanghe, the three giants of the underground world in the south of the Yangtze River, who are influential and influential in front of people

"When the three of them stand in front of Master Zhang, they are only obedient and obedient."

"Even Chu Yusheng, the head of the Chu family, who is highly respected in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, is working under master Zhang, OK?"

"In a word, there is only one opportunity. You should grasp it well. If you miss it, you will miss it."


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