Later, Zhang Xiaofan again set his eyes on Wu Jianlin.

Aware of Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, Wu Jianlin immediately hit a shiver.

"I... I know I'm wrong..."

"I really know I'm wrong, Mr. Zhang!"

"You... You have a lot of adults, so you just let me go as a fart. I will never be the enemy of Longteng group again, and I will never trouble you again..."

"I promise, I promise..."

"that's right. Mr. Zhang, we also know that we are wrong. You should be merciful and merciful to spare us a dog's life...

and At the same time, the performance of sun Changyun and others is unbearable.

They stagger to Zhang Xiaofan's front, knee a soft, direct "Puff -!" A kneeling on the ground, a nose, tears of crying.

Among them, sun Changyun wants to hold Zhang Xiaofan's calf and continue to howl.

However, not waiting for sun Changyun to get close, he was kicked open by Zhang Xiaofan.

As for the reason, it's just because sun Changyun is... It's really disgusting.

The key is that the old masters are just like the "earth, fat and round" in the same mold. This is also a snot and a tear....

to be reasonable, his trousers have just been worn a few times. Zhang Xiaofan doesn't want to spoil them.

However, at this time, Wu Jianlin and sun Changyun were afraid to go to their bones one by one after seeing the lesson of Chen Zhengsheng, OK?!!


"I said, it's almost OK. If you want to do this, it's very difficult for me to do it."

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan say "it's hard to do", sun Changyun and Wu Jianlin, who were kneeling on the ground with tears streaming down their faces, felt that hope was coming.

However, before they can think more about it.

But I saw, Zhang Xiaofan carrying a hand, slowly walked over, pulled a boss chair, carelessly sat down.

After that, Zhang Xiaofan took out a cigar from his arms, bit it on his mouth, lit it with a lighter, took a deep breath, vomited an eye socket, and looked relaxed and contented.

In this regard, Wu Jianlin, sun Changyun and other people's eyes are more than instantaneous, tightly staring at Zhang Xiaofan, observing all the expressions on his face, every move, the heart is even more restless.

You know, at this time, Zhang Xiaofan was a victim, while sun Changyun and Wu Jianlin were just fish on the chopping board of Zhang Xiaofan.

At the moment, Zhang Xiaofan can decide their future life and death with just a little head nod.

In this regard, Qin Xiyan and Li muxue are standing not far behind Zhang Xiaofan, and TANKOU of the second daughter is slightly Zhang. The whole person is in a daze, OK?

After all, the big change that happened before and after that.

It's really... It's too nervous, too exciting, too dramatic, OK?!!

Originally, sun Changyun found the twenty-one, two bodyguards with big arms and big waists. This time, he might have a big fall.

However, what the second daughter never dreamed of was that Shao Wenhua's fighting capacity was so terrible...

in his dream , the fastest update of the webnovel!