Zhang Xiaofan, with a cigar in his right forefinger and middle finger, points to Wu Jianlin and sun Changyun from a distance, and then goes on.

"Wu Jianlin, since you are so aggressive, you always put on a kind of arrogant style, that is, the king of heaven, Laozi is the first and I am the second."

"The reason is not because Chen Zhongyi is behind you and can run Chen's pharmacy well. He thinks he can make more money for your master?"

"But if you can't make that money for your master, he'll see you more?!"

"Yes... Yes... Yes......"

"what Mr. Zhang said was very right, what he said was extremely right..."

in the face of Zhang Xiaofan's voice and rebuke, Wu Jianlin could only be tough headed, with a smile on his fat face, and he could not help but say that.

After all, what Zhang Xiaofan said before was quite ugly, but the words between the lines are killing each other.

Indeed, the reason why he was able to use the name of Chen Zhongyi to play a big role outside.

The reason is not because he is the chairman of Chen's pharmacy. What he can do for Chen Zhongyi is in good order. Can he make money for his master Chen Zhongyi?!

If you can't help Chen Zhongcheng make money or take care of Chen's pharmacy, will Chen Zhongyi still pay attention to Wu Jianlin? Of course not!

After all, the reason why he has been able to get to this day is simply because he, Wu Jianlin, in Chen Zhongcheng's eyes, has more or less certain value for use.

If he, Wu Jianlin, is really reduced to a waste and lost the use value.

I believe that when the time comes, the first person to put him aside is his master Chen Zhongyi.

However, although Zhang Xiaofan's words are brilliant.

However, after hearing what Zhang Xiaofan said before, Wu Jianlin also went in with his left ear and out with his right ear. He did not take this remark to heart at all.

However, the reason why Wu Jianlin is so difficult is that he can not take Zhang Xiaofan's words seriously.

This is purely because Zhang Xiaofan said that all of the above must be based on the premise that he can not make money for Chen Zhongcheng.

In addition, at present, because of relying on Chen's Pharmaceutical Group, the business of Chen's pharmacy is booming.

Now, Chen's pharmacy has been completely on the right track, and the running water on that day was calculated in billions.

It is no exaggeration to say that now relying on Chen's Pharmaceutical Group and the Chen's pharmacy, the imperial capital behind it, is simply hopeless and disadvantageous.

In addition, recently, Wu Jianlin is talking about cooperation with the world famous AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Group.

If the cooperation between the two companies can be really negotiated, this Chen's pharmacy is just a cash cow, OK?!

How can Wu Jianlin keep such a cash cow without making money?

"It seems that you didn't take my advice to heart."

Looking at his kneeling in front of him, Wu Jianlin's appearance of being absent-minded, Zhang Xiaofan knew in his heart that most of his previous words had not been put in his heart.

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