
"What's wrong with Lin Yuner's sitting? How can he just go next to Zhang Xiaofan...

looking at Lin Yuner, who is less than 10 cm away from Zhang Xiaofan, Guo Meimei is also puzzled and puzzled.

Previously, she was preparing to go with Luo Yurou to ask Lin Yuner for a chance to sign and take a group photo.

But who ever thought, this is just a careless Kung Fu, this Lin Yuner did Zhang Xiaofan's side, what kind of Sao operation is this?!

Coincidentally, not only is Guo Meimei's heart puzzled, even Luo Yurou is also a blank look.

I saw that the two girls exchanged glances with each other, and then they walked in the direction of Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Yuner.


just in the heart of Luo Yurou and their two daughters, why did Lin Yuner choose to sit next to Zhang Xiaofan suddenly.

Lin yun'er blinked a pair of watery deer eyes at this time, and was looking at Zhang Xiaofan in an instant, while sipping the cocktail in the cup.

When Lin Yuner was wondering whether to open his mouth to wake Zhang Xiaofan and ask him why he had to drive himself out of the car.

I saw, a person suddenly achieved Lin Yuner's opposite position, and Zhang Xiaofan lying on the sofa is just a few feet away.

"Hello, Miss Lin Yuner, my name is Tan Yongsheng, chairman of Tan Sheng group in Yongcheng, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province. Tan Huansheng is my father..."

a young man in a suit and a pair of well pressed suits and leather shoes also has a decent smile on his face. He is neither humble nor arrogant, and reaches out to Lin Yuner politely and politely.

However, Lin yun'er didn't intend to hold the hand of Tan Yongsheng, but with a smile on his face, he said, "Hello, Mr. Tan, nice to meet you."

See, oneself in Lin Yuner here to eat a closed door.

Tan Yongsheng is also feeling some Shi Shi ran to take back his hand. At the same time, a pair of eyes can't help but look up and down at Lin Yuner.

In particular, Lin Yuner's noble temperament from the inside out.

What's more, she has a pure and moving oval face. These two seemingly incompatible temperament are just right in Lin Yuner's body. More is too much, and the other is too much.

Because of this, Tan Yongsheng is deeply intoxicated with Lin Yuner's charm for all these things. He can't extricate himself for a long time.

"Miss Lin Yuner, I really, really like your songs and the TV series you talked about."

"Every time you have a TV show, I'll be there, and so will the concert. As long as you have a few shows, I'll go after them and never be absent."

"It's just that you don't know all this..."

needless to say, from the attitude and reaction of Tan Yongsheng when he saw Lin Yuner, he was naturally a fan of the latter, and he was also a fan of the latter.

Not to mention anything else, just say that in Tan Yongsheng's bedroom, all four walls are covered with Lin Yuner's fashion posters.

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