After listening to Fang Dongbai's description of the "three calamities of industrial fire" and the danger degree of this escort.

At this time, Chen Feixue and sun Lingfeng two people also until this time, only then finally understood.

As long as they choose to escort with Fang Dongbai and Chen Guyan, the weakest opponent they will encounter on this trip will also be in waidan territory, the level of respect.

Of course, there will be no lack of the inner alchemy realm and venerable ones who have lived in seclusion for more than ten years.

In the face of such a large number of venerable people, it is natural to imagine the danger ahead.

If, at this time, if we can have the "military God" dragon sitting in the town.

So, it must be that there are not a few uninviting guys who dare to put this idea on the sword of "three calamities of industrial fire".

But this time, that time -

at present, long Qianzhang is definitely not able to participate in this escort, and the road ahead has become extremely dangerous.

"In any case, we will leave Qixia mountain at noon."

"At that time, even if brother long can't find time to be invited."

"Then, we must also bear in mind the rules made by our ancestors, and we must not delay the time of escort!"

Fang Dong's white face is dignified, word by word, Tao.

At the same time, for Fang Dongbai's words, Chen Guyan and other people naturally agreed without any objection.

Chen Feixue thought about it a little in her heart, and then she stood up and pointed at Fang Dongbai and her father. Then, she said.

"But in my opinion, uncle Fang, I don't think you need to worry too much."

"After all, you and my father are in charge of the escort this time. In addition, sun Wanshou's great reputation is also there."

"Therefore, I think that even if some people are really bold, those people are just two palms."

"The people who can compete positively with my father and uncle Fang, I think only the top five terror in the gold list of the Chinese Xiuzhen world exist..."

"and uncle Fang and the military God, long Qianzhang, also have a good friendship."

"So, first of all, I think long Qianzhang will not have evil intentions against the three disasters of Yihuo."

"However, Murong Longcheng, the current patriarch of the Murong family, is a highly respected person in the Chinese Xiuzhen circle. Naturally, he will not have his mind set on the three calamities of the industry fire."

"On the contrary, the Shangguan of Shangguan family is invincible. What he cultivates is the same pulse of boxing as my father."

"The three disasters in this industry are just as tasteless as chicken rib food to him. If he abandons it, he will not choose to do it."

"Of course, master Xuancheng has not been out of the world for many years. How can we measure the breadth of mind and spirit of such a generation of holy monks?"

Speaking of this, Chen Feixue's tone slightly a meal, slowly, way.

"However, Zhang Wutian, the last one ranked first in the Chinese Xiuzhen circle, Zhang wudian..."

after hearing Chen Feixue mention "Wutian devil", Zhang Wutian's name, the atmosphere in the lobby has obviously changed very subtly.

Besides, sun Lingfeng and Fang Qianyuan also began to look dignified, and the atmosphere also gave people a sense of oppression that could not be explained , the fastest update of the webnovel!