Of course, Zhang Xiaofan's previous use of power, one hundred million of his part is not used.

If not, Qian Haiming and song HaoChen, let alone Zhang Xiaofan, spit out a tooth.

Perhaps, the head was blown directly by the terrible force that erupted from every move.

They glared at Zhang Xiaofan fiercely, but they didn't dare to say anything more.

Instead, they were honest and upright. They helped Hao Xudong, whose two legs had been discarded, from the ground.

Then, they plan to withdraw from the bar like this.

"Wait a minute

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan is a direct voice to block.

After hearing the word "wait a minute" from Zhang Xiaofan's mouth, all three people were shocked.

Hao Xudong, in particular, looked at Zhang Xiaofan as if he were looking at the devil.

To tell you the truth, he is really worried that Zhang Xiaofan's words do not agree with each other. If Zhang Xiaofan's words do not agree with each other, he will discard his two arms as well as his two legs.

If this is the case, if Zhang Xiaofan's hands and feet are discarded, Hao Xudong really has a heart that directly hits him to death.

"Don't rush out first. I know you must be unconvinced."

Looking at the three people toward their side to cast fear, fear after the eyes, Zhang Xiaofan's face smile gradually thick, evil charm incomparable.

"I'll wait for you for an hour and a half in this bar, on this card seat."

"In this one-and-a-half hours, you can use all the background, contacts and means behind you."

"No matter what you want to play, I will accompany you to the end tonight!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaofan's tone slightly a meal, that is, he turned again, then, the way.

"But I have one request."

"I hope your revenge can succeed in pleasing me, but don't make me feel too bored!"

Zhang Xiaofan put down this sentence, it is a person leisurely and contented to sit back to his previous seat.

He tasted cocktails in a goblet and never looked at Hao Xudong, song HaoChen and Qian Haiming.

Zhang Xiaofan's words fell, and the people who were watching in the bar happened to ring out a burst of inverted air-conditioning sound one after another.

Obviously, Zhang Xiaofan's acting style is unique in their life, the first time they have seen it.

At the moment, Zhang Xiaofan not only offended the five hundred year old families of Baofu City, but also did not say that.

Moreover, this offends also offends, the big deal in these big young masters to the end, pat the buttocks directly to leave.

At that time, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Let them protect the city's five hundred year old families. How can they know everything about the world? Where can they go to find their own accounts?!

But in contrast, Zhang Xiaofan did the opposite, that is, he did not take the ordinary road.

At present, he did not mean to leave.

On the contrary, sitting on the original card seat carelessly, the young masters and young ladies of the five hundred year old Baofu family went to their own families and asked their elders to retaliate against him www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!