However, it can not be denied that there are more and more halos on Zhang Xiaofan,

"in Qin Xiyan's eyes, all these are more and more brilliant.

The instructor of Raytheon special forces?

On this point, Qin Xiyan only knows one of them and does not know the other.

However, although Qin Xiyan did not know much about the meaning behind the Raytheon special forces instructor.

But from before, that one is still the standard thorn.

It is also because they are "thorn head", therefore, one by one are very rebellious, like wild horse soldiers.

After they learned that Zhang Xiaofan was the instructor of the Raytheon special forces, they all seemed to be in complete madness.

Therefore, Qin Xiyan's heart also quickly came to her own conclusion.

That is, Raytheon special forces must occupy a very different and significant position in the hearts of these elite soldiers.

Moreover, Zhang Xiaofan must have done something earth shaking and extraordinary in the thunder god special forces before this.

Or, get ordinary people, the end of their life may not be able to obtain the highest honor in!

However, for Qin Xiyan and those elite soldiers on the scene, Zhang Xiaofan turned a deaf ear to his own thoughts.

He put a wisp of true Qi into pan Donglai's body and cured his internal injury caused by fighting with himself. Then he looked at all the people present again.

”Pan Donglai, from today on, I have officially appointed you as the leader of the third detachment. Together with song Changlong and Wei Changxu, I am in charge of the three teams of the current security department. "

"In addition to that, you have to be responsible for the daily duty tasks, as well as the daily training tasks!"

Zhang Xiaofan's face was solemn, and he said, "one word at a time.".

"Yes, brother Zhang --!"

Almost entirely out of a subconscious reaction, pan Donglai's direct waist and a very standard military salute to Zhang Xiaofan.

And pan Donglai's "elder brother Zhang" is more sincere and sincere, full of the flavor of piety and respect.

But the next moment, pan Donglai's face is at this time revealed a look of shame, Tao.

"Brother Zhang, my strength is really too low."

"I'm afraid that just because of my poor skills, I'm not necessarily qualified to take up the position of team leader as you call it."

"What's more, if there's something wrong or wrong with me in the future, it's not a failure of elder brother Zhang's trust in me..."

"if I say you can, then you can!"

"In this world, there are many people who can deny you, but only you can't deny yourself."

"If you think you can't do it yourself, you really can't!"

At this point, Zhang Xiaofan's tone slightly a meal, and then he turned the front of the story, the way.

"What's more, the reason why you lost to me in the past is not how bad your own strength is, how unbearable."

"It's just that the people in the world who have been able to support three moves under my hand are just the number of two palms..."

when Zhang Xiaofan said this, his words were full of strong confidence and had an unquestionable flavor! , the fastest update of the webnovel!