Often think of here, the beautiful woman's heart is unable to stop feeling a burst of excitement and excitement.

After all, this time I came to Yanjing, the imperial capital, to study for a master's degree. This is just one of my tasks.

For women, it's better to learn well than to marry.

Therefore, for women, compared with whether they can in the future in the Chinese academic community to what kind of status there is still a high degree.

She is more concerned about whether she can find a century old family of the first echelon of Yanjing and the eldest young master of a powerful family to be her boyfriend during her years in Yanjing, the imperial capital.

Then, he took this opportunity to fly directly to the branch and become a phoenix!

Thus, he can not only make himself less struggle for decades, but also enable his family behind him to get more support from the imperial capital Yanjing aristocratic family because of his marriage.

This kind of good thing is also a woman's dream.

Just because of her appearance and knowledge, it is not difficult to capture the heart of a powerful family in Yanjing.

And in the imperial capital Yanjing so many rich childe, the imperial capital three heroes, this is her first strategy down the target, not one of them!

In this way, almost an hour and a half later, the plane also smoothly arrived at the airport of the imperial capital Yanjing.

Compared with the pedestrians who are in a hurry, carrying their own luggage and heading for the outside of the airport, Zhang Xiaofan shows a different behavior from most of the people present.

I saw that he deliberately slowed down his pace and followed the middle-aged man in black leather jacket in the first business class. He followed and observed silently.

As for the beautiful woman, her cold eyes swept Zhang Xiaofan's back.

Then, she did not say much, and turned away.

After all, for this beautiful woman, Zhang Xiaofan is just a beautiful man with incomparable beauty and temperament.

However, in addition to his appearance and temperament, Zhang Xiaofan has no qualification to enter the eye of beautiful women.

Therefore, at this time, she will not pay more attention to Zhang Xiaofan.

However, he was thinking about how to firmly hold the three little emperors in their own hands by virtue of their beauty and knowledge after they successfully entered Yanjing University in the near future.


in the beautiful woman's heart, Zhang Xiaofan had already left the Imperial Capital International Airport when she was flying to the branch and becoming a Phoenix.

On the other hand, the black leather jacket man who has been closely followed by Zhang Xiaofan has been stepping out of the airport. Compared with the words of laibi in the airport before, the pace under his feet has accelerated significantly.

In this way, a few breath, his figure has disappeared in the imperial capital Yanjing International Airport that come and go in the crowd.

"Ha ha..."

"it's hard to see that his body method is quite good."

"Even if his body method is compared with people like Qin Zongheng and octahedral Buddha, it will not fall behind at all...

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