The voice from the woman's throat was so different from her appearance that it was so hoarse and harsh.

"Pan Wenbo, you have betrayed the organization for so long. Do you still want to go on like this all the time?"

When he heard the ugly, harsh voice, and the familiar face of the beautiful woman in front of him, pan Wenbo's face was deeply unbelievable.

"Xiaoxue, how can your voice become like this..."

"I said, don't call me Xiaoxue, the little snow in your heart has already died already!"

With that, the woman took a step forward, and her voice became so sharp and harsh that she said, "now I am the leader of Luocha organization. I am Luocha, and Luocha is me!"

After hearing the woman's words, pan Wenbo's pupil suddenly shrank into a dangerous town. He couldn't help but retreat back and forth, his voice shaking and saying.

"Xiaoxue... You... What are you talking about?"

Pan Wenbo looked at the woman in front of him for a moment. His fright could not be described by words.

Once upon a time, pan Wenbo was so familiar with the woman in front of him. They also had so many beautiful memories.

But now, pan Wenbo can't find the familiar scenes from the women in front of him. Instead, he can see the indifference that ordinary people don't have in their eyes, and even some cold flashes appear.

For a moment, pan Wenbo had an illusion that he had been possessed by wild animals.

"Son of a bitch, you... What did your people in Luocha do to Xiaoxue?"

With this in mind, pan Wenbo suddenly turned around and looked at Pan Wenrui not far away. His whole body was shaking and his anger was burning in his chest.

"My brother, you must not have any misunderstanding."

With that, pan Wenrui shrugged his shoulder blades and said, "the reason why Xiaoxue was chosen by the leader to become his furnace cauldron for cultivation is that his accomplishments have gone thousands of miles in a day, which is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people!"

"At this time, the blood evil force contained in her body is vast and surging. Of course, she is one of the best candidates for our Luosha organization."

"You... What are you talking about?"

After hearing pan Wenrui's words, pan Wenbo's eyes almost burst into flames and his whole body was full of murderous opportunities!

As a core member of the Luocha organization, no one knows more about what this furnace cauldron represents than pan Wenbo!

In the core layer of Luocha organization, the status of black blood old demon is naturally supreme, and no one can shake it.

The black blood demon has many abilities and means, among which one can transform his own blood evil spirit into a blood demon.

This blood demon can be transplanted into the selected Ding Lu Nei's body by means of the day after tomorrow. Xiaoxue is one of the furnace cauldrons selected by the black blood old demon.

The blood demons gradually ferment in their bodies, mature, and finally take root and sprout. They transform into the purest blood evil spirit power, and then feed back to the cauldron.

Then, after improving the host's ability, they can use the host of each blood demon species to hunt down other martial arts strongmen to enhance their own strength. At the same time, because of the existence of blood demons , the fastest update of the webnovel!