The foot movement is not slow, quickly on the high wall, head back toward the earth God opposite direction to walk away.

Looking at the encircling circle, the two brothers, the dragon and the tiger, are full of fighting spirit. On the sixth day, the demon king nodded his head and said to himself.

"The true practitioners of China are indeed the most brave, brave, courageous and affectionate people."

"In order to gain valuable escape time for his companions, even if he is in danger, he will not hesitate to do so. This is really impressive to me!"

Although, on the sixth day, when the demon king said these words, the lines were filled with deep praise, but his eyes were indifferent. How could he be so gloomy?!

On the sixth day, the devil slowly lifted his head and fixed his eyes on the back of the leopard, which was 300-400 Zhang away from the surrounding circle. In his eyes, he shot out the killing opportunity of senhan again!

"It's a pity that none of you three will leave here alive today!"

The next moment, the figure of the sixth day devil disappeared quietly like a ghost, a black shadow like a ghost quickly swept out, shuttling in the space, compared with the leopard, the speed is tens of times faster than the former, more than 100 times!

At this time, the leopard is still running, trying to escape, her vision suddenly appeared in a black shadow, the heart is also unavoidable "cluttering --!" With a sound, an ominous premonition sprang up.

She slowly raised her head. On the sixth day, the devil appeared just above him like a maggot of tarsal bones. Her only eyes were cold!

On the sixth day, the devil's palm filled with genuine Qi was enough to smash the bulletproof glass used to store the three disasters of industrial fire in the Forbidden City Museum.

But at the moment, this move is intact, straight toward the leopard's neck to greet over!

The two brothers, the dragon and the tiger, seemed to have some feelings. They all noticed this behind the scenes. They tried to split their eyes and wanted to rescue them. However, they were already clay Bodhisattvas crossing the river. How could they break through more than ten venerable figures in the Japanese Buddhist world to rescue the leopard?

Moreover, even if they were not entangled by more than ten venerable masters in the Japanese spiritual world, even if they were born with wings from 300-400 Zhang away, they would never have been able to reach the leopard in such a short time.


However, at this critical moment, only a sonic boom was heard from the direction of the Kudo family.

The sound of sonic boom itself represents that only when the speed reaches a peak can the air burst out. It seems that the speed is enough to tear the air in front of you!

At this moment, a black figure, hard to distinguish with the naked eye, flew out of the encirclement circle formed by the dragon, tiger and more than ten venerable members of the Japanese Xiuzhen family!

On the sixth day, the devil's hand was up and down, and the whole leopard was firmly locked in by the strong murderous spirit of the sixth day demon, and his body couldn't move at all.

Now, the only thing she can do is to wait for death to come , the fastest update of the webnovel!