"Well, if you understand that, there's nothing wrong with that!"

Hearing this, Wang Zhenyuan also solemnly and incomparably nodded, recognized, and said.

"World War parliaments are powerful beyond people's cognition and imagination."

"What's more, as far as I've just introduced you to the World War Council, it's just the tip of the iceberg behind their entire organization."

"But there's one thing I can be absolutely sure of!"

Speaking of this, Wang Zhenyuan's eyes slightly congealed, and his face became more dignified than ever before.

"In the War Council, there must be some powerful people beyond the level of supernatural power, and there are not a few of them!"

Needless to say, if Wang Zhenyuan had just said this to Zhang Xiaofan, it would have fallen into the ears of other practitioners in the Chinese religious circle.

Needless to say, it is bound to stir up a series of exclamations of cold air.

After all, in their limited cognition, the inner alchemy realm and the venerable one are still the most powerful ones who can absolutely stand at the top of the pyramid, and can separate their own sides.

As for the one who can completely surpass the inner alchemy realm, the one who respects the supernatural power state is more than the ordinary people's limited imagination!

Those who are strong in the magical situation can turn their hands into clouds and stir up the international situation!

However, what people never thought of was that there was a higher realm which should have stood on the top of the spiritual realm!

What's more, he is hidden in the World War Council? There are also a large number of such powerful people!

World War Council, how terrible is it?!!

But from Wang Zhenyuan said the same words, fell in Zhang Xiaofan's ears, but let him indifferent smile, it seems that he did not take it too seriously.

"If, according to what you have just said, in the World War Council, almost all of their hostile targets can be killed, without exception."

"In that case, there must be an exception to this?"

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan mention this "exception", Wang Zhenyuan also slightly pondered in his heart for a while, then he nodded slowly, admitted down, and said.

"That's right, Mr. Zhang. As you said, this accident does exist in the must kill list of War Council!"

"It was almost 100 years from now, and there was a man who successfully avoided all the strong men from the International War Council."

"In addition, the powerful men sent out by the War Council to hunt down and kill were seriously damaged by nine out of ten!"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes slightly coagulated, straightforward, and said: "Oh? Who on earth is this man? "

In response, Wang Zhenyuan looked out of the window at the top of the Forbidden City, and whispered a word out of his mouth.

"He is one of the strongest people in China, but he has always been a dragon in the head, but he has not been seen in the world for more than 100 years."

"To this day, no one knows the whereabouts of the Chinese Dragon God and his old man!"

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