Duan Tianmo was very cruel in his heart, so he would kill all the people on the spot.

At that time, even if the young man was really pinching people or even people from Tianmen world, no one would know that he died under the nine evil hall without proof.

When the time comes, Duan Tianmo will let himself and others keep their hands and feet clean. If there is no key evidence left, even if the people of inner gate and Tianmen really pursue down, it will not be easy?

"King of poisons, it's him who robbed your prey. Don't you kill him quickly?"

As he spoke, Duan Tianmo once again set his eyes on the king of ten thousand poisons not far away from him, and said in a commanding tone.

However, after Duan Tianmo's words fell, the king of ten thousand poisons was still standing on the arena as before, motionless, his old eyes were completely frozen, and his breath was rapidly disappearing at the speed visible to the naked eye.


After perceiving all sorts of abnormal places on the king of poisons, all the people present felt very puzzled and puzzled.

You know, this king of poisons in the small world outside, has always been a person who always retaliates with vengeance and acts in a cruel and vicious manner.

At present, Zhang Xiaofan, in front of all the people present, not only rescued Bai Su from the sight of the king of poisons, but also kicked him out of the air to the martial arts arena, which was a total loss of face.

If we had been the king of ten thousand poisons in the past, we would have been angry because of Zhang Xiaofan's action of refuting his face. We could not do it by ourselves. We would have been fighting for death between Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Xiaofan.

"Poo Wah..."

however, at a time when everyone in the audience was puzzled by the behavior and behavior of the king of poisons, they saw a scene of astonishment. In this way, the red fruit happened in front of all the people in the audience.

I can see that the leader of Wandu sect is a king of ten thousand poisons who has reached half a step to the realm of child melting.

He was suddenly in front of all the people, spurting out a mouthful of red blood, and finally fell to the ground, and the whole body's breath completely disappeared at this moment.


"how can this be possible?"

As the king of ten thousand poisons vomited blood and fell to the ground, thousands of eyes, either frightened or frightened, gathered on the king of poisons one after another.

That kind of unspeakable fear and fear is like the tide, a little bit, a little bit in the hearts of all the people in the audience is extremely climbing.

Even Duan Tianmo, who had reached the real infant state with the cultivation of Zhenyuan, was filled with a thick color of surprise on his old face.

Until now, Duan Tianmo has not even figured out why the king of ten thousand poisons died.

In this regard, Bai Su Su is also a subconscious turn of the beautiful eyes, and finally falls on the back of the young man not far from his body, and his red lips are covered lightly.

"Difficult or not..."

"is it he who does it?"

At this time, Duan Tianmo gradually recovered from his previous shock, and his face was full of fear for the first time www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!