In front of her eyes, Murong Wushuang's ferocious appearance is also about Qiu Shanshan's fright. She covers her cheek, which is puffed into steamed bread by Murong matchless, and quickly retreats to one side.

At the same time, Qiu Shanshan was deeply aggrieved.

Until now, Qiu Shanshan is still a little confused. Did she just lick the dog and make the Murong uncomfortable? What did you say wrong just now...

similarly, not only Qiu Shanshan was deeply aggrieved, but also the elite members of Panlong Association who followed Murong's matchless ass. they were also among each other. Look at me, I look at you, and all of them see a dazed and puzzled look on each other's face.

However, they did not wait for Murong peerless to ask what it was all about.

However, Murong Wushuang took three steps at the same time, holding his hands high above his head, and bending down, he made a deep bow with a 90 degree posture. It was like facing the gods and Buddhas in the temple. How could he revere and fear him?!

"Lord, it's my subordinates who are ignorant and unintentionally offended you. Murong unparalleled is here to make amends to you..."

in an instant, the whole scene was silent, and even a silver needle could be heard.

A pair of eyes containing fear, shock and horror kept coming and going back and forth on Zhang Xiaofan and Murong matchless kneeling in front of Zhang Xiaofan. They kept looking at each other with an unprecedented and incredible look.

Qian Wenyi felt as if he had encountered the most incomprehensible thing in the world. He could only look at Zhang Xiaofan stupidly, and his brain was completely dead at this moment.

Compared with Qian Wenyi, Shen Qianyue may not be as good as Qian Wenyi. She is also a beautiful girl with round eyes and a cherry mouth. But she can't even say a complete word for a long time, and her heart is completely filled with unprecedented horror.

The first Prince of the imperial capital, the leader of the young generation in China, actually bowed himself to Zhang Xiaofan for 90 degrees, but he did not say anything. The whole person also showed a look of fear and apology?

This is...

How can this be possible?!!

You know, this man who bows to others to beg for mercy, but Murong is incomparable!

Qiu Shanshan was even more startled at this moment. Her eyes were wide and her eyes were black. She almost fainted on the spot.

Originally, in her eyes, after waiting for the arrival of Murong matchless, Zhang Xiaofan, who was just finishing his own painting, pretended to be calm. He could not help but kneel down on the spot and kowtow to beg for mercy.

Indeed, the development of the situation after that was just as Qiu expected. It was not Zhang Xiaofan who was frightened to kneel and kowtow, but Murong, the "first Prince" in her mind?!

What on earth can make Murong supreme, such a high-ranking person, be so afraid that he even completely abandons his personal dignity in order to obtain the forgiveness of this man.

As soon as I thought of the scorn, ridicule and ridicule of Zhang Xiaofan, I felt a chill rising from Qiu Shanshan's foot floor and going straight to tianlinggai , the fastest update of the webnovel!