All of a sudden, ye Qingsen's whole face was covered with an extremely abnormal red color at the moment.

His body is out of control, staggering backward 12, 3 steps, just barely to stabilize his body.

But even so, ye Qingsen could still clearly feel that his left and right arms were shaken by which attack he had just made. He completely lost any sense of consciousness, and his real Qi was surging in his body, and his face was full of sincere fear and fear.

Compared with ye Qingsen's heart, Fu Changyun has just hit a fist with one hand on his back. His tone is full of chiguoguo's scorn and contempt.

"The disciples of yuantianmen are still as hard as ever to get into the hall of elegance..."

hearing the insulting words from Fu Changyun, ye Qingsen's face turned green and red, and his whole body was even more angry and trembling.

But even so, in front of Fu Changyun, ye Qingsen did not dare to say the slightest disrespectful words to the former. He could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, and he would never answer.

At present, all the people present are you. Look at me. I'll see you. What a great man ye Qingsen is?

Even when it comes to the cultivation of truth, it is a small achievement.

However, it is such a young hero, he is in front of Fu Changyun, just like a turtle shrinking his head. He is so afraid of his hands and feet?

You know, ye Qingsen and Fu Changyun are both inner disciples of Xiuzhen sect, but there is such a huge gap between them that is comparable to the natural moat!

Zhao yingxuan, who witnessed this scene, is also nervous.

At first, she once thought naively that the fiance she was looking for, even if she could not be arrogant and powerful in the world, could become the leader among the young generation in China.

Can be in yesterday, his fiance ye Qingsen is in Zhang Xiaofan that casually revealed the divine power to frighten is not dare to make a minute.

Today, however, Fu Changyun, who came out of nowhere, was obedient and timid when he was given the knife to a small test bull. This also made Zhao yingxuan very angry.

Now it seems that his so-called "thousands of choices" fiance is no more than that. He can only be called "outstanding" compared with those ordinary people. However, if compared with the real "dragon of man" in this world, there is simply one in the sky and the other in the underground. Ye Qingsen and them There is no comparability among those who are favored by heaven!

At the thought of Zhang Xiaofan and Fu Changyun, both of them can be easily suppressed. Ye Qingsen can't raise his head in terror. Moreover, they have one thing in common, that is, they have countless ties with their cousin Zhao Yinger.

Often think of this, Zhao yingxuan feel that the whole person is like swallowing thousands of flies, how a disgusting, nausea?!

The knuckles of Zhao yingxuan's hands holding the dress turned white, and she almost didn't tear the skirt , the fastest update of the webnovel!