"I Zhang Wutian, since the great accomplishment of the cultivation of truth, I have no fear of any strong enemy. No matter where you are, today, I Zhang Wutian will wipe you out of nothingness!"

With that, Zhang Xiaofan pointed his right hand to the ground, and the fighting spirit in his eyes was like wildfire, burning more and more vigorously.

"Ignorant human beings, you have no idea what kind of horrible existence you are talking to now!"

The black wolf emperor's huge claws fell down with an inexhaustible smell of killing, and dyed most of the sky red.

Strong, strong wind whistling past, seems to be able to completely separate this piece of heaven and earth.

The world's astonishing claw is pounding down in the direction of Zhang Xiaofan's heavenly cover.

"Although the emperor can only maintain the soul body, about an hour or so, it will be completely dissipated and invisible."

"But in a short time of one hour, I have killed you and asked you to go and bury with my dark wolf demons!"

The black wolf emperor's voice of resentment and disgust resounded from the sky. The huge wolf claws had fallen from the sky and were holding the power of the army.

"Ha ha... You are a soul, and you dare to speak out loud!"

Zhang Xiaofan slowly raised his head, powerful, the strong wind of vigorous wind was not even blowing his half parting clothes.

His eyes slightly coagulated, the soles of his feet heavily stepped on the ground, and the whole person was already soaring to the sky, and his mouth was shouting: "smash the magic fist!!"

"Bang --!"

Zhang Xiaofan's fist blows out heavily. The red gold fist Gang crosses the sky, and the huge wolf claw phantom collides with each other.

It was almost in this short moment that the smashing fist, which had always been hopeless and disadvantageous, was actually under the huge red wolf's claws. Only one face-to-face effort was completely disintegrated from the middle.


After realizing this abnormality, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the blood red giant wolf claw was also in this short gap, which was already heavy bombardment on his vigorous Qi.


in an instant, Zhang Xiaofan burst out a stream of red blood when he opened his mouth, and the whole person fell down uncontrollably.

"Boom and rumble..."

for a while, the earth was shaking. On the contrary, Zhang Xiaofan's whole body shape had been smashed into the huge hole, and disappeared without a trace.

Bilkovsky and other three people, they are on their own face is more frightening..

You know, Zhang Xiaofan was able to kill the nine wolf kings of dark origin with one stroke and one second. He was a real scholar. You can see a glimpse of the leopard from this perspective?!

However, even if he is as strong as Zhang Xiaofan, when facing the wolf emperor of dark descent, he is actually photographed by the latter. He vomites blood and flies back to the ground without a trace.

"The strength of the dark wolf emperor is really terrible."

"Even today, the dark wolf emperor is only in the form of a soul body, which is not a positive match for ordinary human practitioners."

Bilkovsky's eyes were full of horror, and his heart could not help sighing.

"I'm afraid that after today, Zhang wudian's invincible legend will come to an end...

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