Zhang Xiaofan stands proud at the edge of the deep hole. The color of surprise in his eyes is also a little bit, a little dissipated, and replaced by a towering bravery, amazing momentum rose again.

At first, he wiped off the blood stains on his mouth, shook his neck from side to side, and moved his muscles and bones. After that, his evil spirit became more and more intense.

"Wutian devil, there is an old saying in China. If you want to leave the Castle Peak without firewood, you'd better find a chance to leave from this place..."

however, just as Zhang Xiaofan is preparing to face-to-face battle with the dark wolf emperor, a voice is imperceptible and enters his ears. It is bilkovsky who transmits it In the form of secret transmission to him.

"The dark wolf emperor was once the" emperor "of the dark wolf demons and the supreme ruler. The strength of his whole body was really incredible."

"Once upon a time, dark blue and yellow killed many powerful people in her hands. I'm afraid the most powerful people in the big circle are far more than the number of hands."

"It can be said that as early as hundreds of years ago, the dark wolf emperor's all-round cultivation has reached a level of terror that ordinary people can't even imagine."

"Even more rumor has it that the dark wolf emperor's true yuan accomplishments at that time were comparable to the" golden body state "that existed only in the legend at that time."

"Therefore, in the face of such a powerful enemy, you do not need to face the enemy, you just need to find a suitable opportunity to escape here."

"In addition, his current state of soul can only last about an hour and a half at most."

"At that time, you don't need to do anything, try your best to escape. After an hour and a half, the dark wolf emperor will return to the dust and return to the earth."

Although he and Zhang Xiaofan are not from the same country, their skin color and blood relationship are also different, they are all human beings no matter what!

Therefore, in any case, bilkovsky didn't want to watch a strong man like Zhang Xiaofan die under the dark wolf emperor.

There is no doubt that this will be an unprecedented great loss to the human cultivation world.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan is also talking about looking at the distance, and then slowly shaking his head. There is also disdain in his eyes.

"In your opinion, I want Zhang Wutian to escape without fighting?"

Zhang Xiaofan is also using the secret method of transmission recovery, tone is also with a kind of unspeakable cold meaning.

"In my dictionary of Zhang Wutian, there is no such four words as" escape without fighting! "

With that, Zhang Xiaofan slowly raised his head and looked at the dark wolf emperor again. The war spirit in his eyes was more and more fierce.

"Dark wolf emperor?"

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes are locked in front of him, and the ferocity in his eyes is also in one spot. A drop of fierce spirit quickly condenses, and a terrifying evil spirit sweeps in all directions, causing a dramatic change in the faces of bilkovsky and others.

"Zhang Wutian, he... He's planning to fight back to back. Can't he fight with his life?"

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